***1 Week Later
London's P.O.V.
Just 3 more day's 'till Harry leaves and i am devestated. We have spent so much time together, that i just want to hold onto him and Never Let Go. But, i am also proud of him, he was born to do this. Harry is out right now, spending time with his mum and sister. " LONDON, COME DOWN HERE " My mum shouted. " Uggghh " i groaned getting up from my desk where i was all of Harry and I's videos we made together. I made my way downstairs to the smell of Haven. " When your ready come and get it na na na na " my mom sang while waving a plate of food in my face. Oh Wow, really? " Mom, Stop it, No, Oh Lawd." i said as she continued. I grabbed the plate, and gave her the " Really?" face and sat down on the sofa. " Don't hate cause you ain't me " she said, while doing gang signs. " Oh.My.God. " i blankly said staring at the wall. " Haha, Im just goofing with you." my mum said while scootching me over so she could sit. Well that's My Mum For Yah!
We watched T.v. for awhile and watched the rest of " The X - Factor " auditions. It was now 4:57 p.m. and I stunk. I got up from my comfortable position and headed up stairs. I grabbed a towel and a rag out of the hall closet, and then made my way to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes, and grabbed the rag, and stepped in the shower. I always run over my thoughts in my head and think of what the future holds, in the shower, It's like a relaese for me.
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I opened the door to let the steam out, and headed to my room. I opened the door and Harry was sitting at my desk looking at the home made videos and pictures we always took together. " I will never delete those." i said looking over his shoulder at the pictures. He jumped up and turned around, " Jesus " he said out of breath. " HaHa Sorry Haz " i apologized. I walked up to him and pecked him on the lips. " Hey Kitten " he cooed, with that dimpled smile. " I have to get dressed, and then we will maybe do something." i told him while rumaging through my clothes. he continued looking at the pictures, while i changed. It is going to hurt when i can't see him, only on t.v. I changed into just some skinny jeans and a over-sized sweater.
I pulled up a chair next to him and We watched every memory, where we didn't have to worry about anything.

Just Can't Let Her Go
FanfictionLondon Harris, the girl who stole Harry's heart in the very begininng. And will never stop Loving him, for as long as she can. Through thick and thin, She will be there for him. But, what happens, if they Drift away with out even knowing it? Well, m...