London's P.O.V.
* Day of the X - Factor Finale *
Me and my mum were on the edge of our seats with fingers crossed. " And eliminated from The competiotion is,...One Direction." I droppped the cup I had in my hand , and stared at the Telly in shock. Mum put her arm around my shoulders for comfort.
Niall's P.O.V.
Oh my, Oh my. We all looked at eachother and stepped forward to talk to the Host. " Boys, how are you feeling getting eliminated? " The host asked. Zayn stepped up and spoke " This isn't the Last of One Direction.
Harry's P.O.V.
I kept my head down halfway not wanting to glance at the camera. I didn't want to see my friends, my family, or my girlfriend see me cry. What does the future hold, am I going back to work in a bakery and go back to school, just like it used to be before this? We walked off the stage and I pulled my phone out walking to a clear area. I dialed London'd number and held the phone to my ear
L : H - Hello?
H : Hey Babe.
L: It's going to be okay, you are going to suceed i know y-
i cut her off
H : Listen, let's just see what's going to happen. Please don't cry.
L : O- okay. I Love you Haz!
H : Babe, I love you to.
L : Bye
H : Bye
And with that, I hung up. Maybe it won't be too bad?

Just Can't Let Her Go
FanficLondon Harris, the girl who stole Harry's heart in the very begininng. And will never stop Loving him, for as long as she can. Through thick and thin, She will be there for him. But, what happens, if they Drift away with out even knowing it? Well, m...