Chapter One-Leo

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I walk into the school yard coming back from being suspended for two weeks. As I enter the classroom, my eyes are practically trained to look at her seat. Making sure she's here, which she always is. I glance quickly so no one notices, but long enough to see her beautiful golden hair in a sleek braid. My sister always told me that if a girl spends time to make her hair look nice, she will be a good girlfriend, because she will spend time with you. I see her talking with her friends, but I can she her straining not to shout at them. She's rubbing her thumb on her ring finger which she always does when she's upset or annoyed. She also runs her fingers down her braid more than once every minute to indicate she's distressed and doesn't agree with what they're saying or indicating. She doesn't really like them, I don't know why, I think she's too nice, she thinks I'm not nice enough. Maybe I can make a deal with her.

"Who you looking at loser?" And people wonder why I'm always in trouble.

"Didn't miss you either Jacob." I hang up my back pack and go to sit down. She doesn't know I was coming back today. I guess she wouldn't even notice. I can hear her "friends" and her talking from here. I can hear her fake laugh, the one that everyone but Caleb and I know isn't real. And I guess Jason, and her other brothers. And maybe Bethany. 

"Just a sec guys." She scoots her chair back, probably going to the library or something. If she's not at home or school, she's in the closest library.

"Hey Leo, why didn't tell me you were coming back today?" Her soft sweet voice surprises me and she sits next to me in an empty seat.

"Hey Ells, why were hanging out with those girls?" Whatever, not going to address the subject at hand, happens with me all the time. Ellie doesn't care.

She rolls her eyes. "Because if I didn't I would have no social life and what's middle school without a social life. Plus, they like me, and think I like them. So it's a win-win situation." Her braid lays over a shoulder accenting her sky blue dress nicely.

"Doesn't sound like a win for you." I say diplomatically. 

"Whatever makes everyone happy, that's a win for me." She smiles her fake smile and starts to walk away.

"Ells, that wasn't a real smile."

"Why do you know all this stuff about me?" She laughs and walks away. I reach out a grab her hand.

"Because we're best friends." She smiles again.

That one was real.


After school I have one of my academic extracurricular. Believe it or not, when I'm suspended I really miss hanging out with Caleb, Ells, Jacob, Bethany, Drew, and Blake. We all sit in the same space with Ells sitting right next to me.

"I can't wait until this Saturday!" Ellie jumps up and down in her seat while Jacob and Bethany steal glances at each other. Drew and Blake elbow each other and laugh at our excitement.  

"What is it like?" Caleb sits on the other side of me questioning Ellie and I's brothers.

"Really fun, but also hard. But it's still cool to hang out our friends and stuff." Drew explains.

"And stuff." Blake mocks Drew and they fight like girls. I'm embarrassed to call Blake my brother.

"Enough." Ellie's quick stern voice stops the boys in their tracks. They both glance over at her and she quickly glares at them before looking at me.

"Brothers, what are you going to do with them?" I whisper and she breaks into a grin again. "Are you ready for your events?" Small talk is always a good idea with Ells.

"Oh yeah, totally! I'm so ready, then we're going to go to state!" We both know our team always goes to state, since our older siblings have gone so many times before us, Caleb too. 

"Hey Bethany, did you add the definition to that one word I  don't know how to say." Bethany is too distracted whispering to Jacob and doesn't hear her.

"Beth." With a tone like that, who needs to yell? Bethany looks up and Ellie repeats herself.

"Um, yeah." Her quick short answer doesn't surprise anyone, Bethany is one of little words, unless it has to do with Jacob.

I snicker and the six of them stop talking and glance over at them. Blake raises his eyebrow and Ellie opens her mouth to say something. I give a quick shake off my head to let them know not to question it. They go back to talking but Caleb keeps glancing my way. When we disperse to go study Caleb doesn't run ahead to talk to Angie like he usually does.

"This is getting out of hand Leo." He gives me a quirky grin then just like clockwork her sprints to catch Angie before she starts working. 

"Wait, Caleb!" I call out, but he's gone to quick.

"What was all that laughing about?" I turn around to the sound of her voice. Every time it's like I'm put in a trance when I see her. How can she be this beautiful and not see it. It's just impossible.

"Oh...well. Just the fact that Jason and Bethany have something going on and don't want to tell anyone." She seems shocked by this information.

"You mean as in my brother, Jason and my friend Bethany?" She gawks and I don't think she believes me.

"Yes, Ellls. Next time their together watch them. But don't mention it around anyone else. And don't tell them you heard it from me."

"Deal." She smiles as she walks down the hall down to the kitchen. I think I might have a stroke as I watch her wavy hair she took out of the braid and put into a ponytail wave back and forth, as if saying goodbye, but also a mischievous hello.   

We're so going to win this weekend.

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