Chapter Three-Leo

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"I can't wait till this Saturday!" I stand next to Caleb by the microwaves at lunch. The microwaves suck so if you usually heated something up for 30 seconds you would have to add a minute to it, so a minute and 30 seconds. So needless to say it gives us a lot of free times to talk in between. 

"Yep, that's the last day for you to tell Ells you like her before I do." He sneers as he checks his food, but is unsatisfied and sets the microwave for another twenty seconds.

"What are you talking about Caleb?" I glare at him, there's no way he's telling Ellie.

"Just doing whatever a good friend would do." After the twenty seconds pass he seems satisfied and goes to sit down at the jerk table. I look at my microwave thirty-three more seconds to go.

"Hey Leo...another adventure at the microwaves?" Ellie comes up with her and Jason's pizza in her hands. She sets her microwave for a minute and twenty seconds.

"Yeah, you bet." I give her a smile as she grins evilly. "What?"

"Well, I had this idea. That you might hate, but mostly everyone else agrees with it." As I check my food I set for the remaining time as Ellie's just to stay over here and talk.

"What?" Oh Lord this must be good, Ells barely ever shares her ideas.

"We should play spin the bottle on Saturday." She whispers and I immediately have to agree, especially if it means kissing Ellie.

"Not on the lips of course, just on the cheek, but still." Our microwaves beep and I decide not to tell her about the fight with Caleb.

Later that afternoon after we hatch our plan and Jason and Beth are away I decide to tell my side of the fight between Caleb and I. Don't get me wrong I would never tell her about the part where I like her and stuff, but that's the only thing I leave out.

"That stinks." We kick the dirt practically in sync, and I smile. Jesus Christ, what if I just told her, that I liked her. What is the worst that could happen? Her not liking me, and then it would mean that it would be really awkward between all of us, and I don't want that to happen, but I just want her to know. I open my mouth, but then Bethany comes running and Ellie jumps up.

"What happened?" A goofy grin is spread across Ellie's face, she runs her tongue over her teeth which she does when she's happy or excited. And sometimes mad.

"It was the best thing ever! You should have seen their faces!" She tells us some of the minor details, but for the major one's we're going to wait until later on at my house. Soon enough Jason comes up and does the same. Their stories are just like Beth said, hilarious, to put lightly. We are laughing as we're called inside and to get packed up. We can hardly wait until tonight. 

Soon enough it comes, my mom makes pizza rolls, cupcakes which are Ellie's favorite, and strawberries. We run outside to the tree house we always retreat to when we go to my house. Ells goes first, Beth, then Jason, and after him, me. 

"Tell us everything." Ellie jumps up and down, shaking with excitement.

"So, first, when I was talking Celia, I was asking about how she get's so many friends, and she was acting like it was some big secret manipulating people, and all this stuff. So, I kind of got it on tape, for the followers to here. Then Katelyn, the poor thing. She started bailing as soon as I asked her about Celia, and she went on and on how Celia is so mean to her, but when she tries to stand up for herself, Celia just tries and make her feel bad." Beth rambles on until Ellie puts her hand up.

"Okay, let's talk to Katelyn some more, in case she's faking it, but Celia, we got to put our plan in action as soon as possible." We all nod, that sounds great. We sit and discuss the plan a little bit, until we perfect it. 

"Hey, let's talk about something." Beth glances at Ellie, but Ellie kicks her. "C'mon Ellie."

"Bethany no." What the heck, girls are so weird. Ellie grabs her hand and leads her out of the tree house to go and talk about something. Jason sighs as they climb down the stairs.

"What?" I turn to him, and he just shakes his head, "Jason, what is it?"

"It's girl stuff, drama, girls liking boys, boys liking girls." He rolls his eyes and looks longingly where Beth and Ellie left. He really really likes her.

"Hey, uh Jace, I have something to tell you." He doesn't know like Ells, only Caleb knows and I often regret that, and now I guess that since Caleb's going to tell Ellie tomorrow I might as well tell Jason before Ellie does.

"I, I like Ellie. Like more than a friend. And I don't know what to do about it." Jason spits out the soda he was drinking and starts coughing, then he laughs. I cross my arms and clench my fists.

"Jacob nothing about this is funny."

"Actually all of it is."

Ellie's POV

"Bethany you need to shut up, you can't tell him." What would happened? My friendship with him would be ruined. And then his friendship with Jason and Beth would also be ruined and according to him, Caleb and him are in a rough spot and he needs friends.

"Yes I can. You know why? He likes you Ellie, Caleb told me."

"Leo likes me?"

Leo's POV

"Dude, you don't get it. She likes you."

"Ellie like me?"

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