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My name is Dusty. Dusty Pearl Caraway, to be exact. I live on 493 Dove Chase Lane in Ponderville Maryland. The one thing that you need to know about is something called the Butterfly Effect. If you want a scientific explanation, Google it. Here's my explanation:
The Butterfly Effect is a scientific metaphor that basically means small things have big effects. For example, let's say you are at the beach and you're having a hard time deciding if you should get chocolate or vanilla ice cream. You finally decide on chocolate. It turns out your sever is a psychopath who hates chocolate and has poisoned your ice cream. But it's too late! You're already in a coma.

Okay, I know that sounded really evil but it was a pretty good example. Now don't think I'm all like dark and goth-y. I'm more Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows (love that song!!!🦄)

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