Clay Matthews

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For @nandosgodeess1993 

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  The Packers were in the playoffs. You wanted to surprise Clay by coming to one of the games. But the game that you really wanted to go to was an away game. But you chose it anyway. You wanted to surprise your dad who just so happened to be Mike McCarthy, the head coach of the Packers. But you wanted to save him the heart attack.

So you texted him about your plan on going to the game. You asked him to pull some string and get you sideline passes. You made sure that you told your dad to not tell Clay about you going to the game. You didn't want to stay at the same hotel as the team but your dad said that you should. You would just have to be on a different floor. Since your dad is working on the tickets you would get you and your 2 month old daughter a room at the same hotel.

When you brought up the idea about bringing Alexis-Jane with you, your dad turned down the idea. But that she was too young to stay with a babysitter and that you really don't trust people anyway. So your dad eventually gave in and made sure that he got a pass for his granddaughter.

So once you were at the hotel in Seattle, you checked into the hotel and got comfortable in your room. You had to Wait until your dad texted you that the team was here so you could stay in the hotel room. You were getting really nervous about how Clay would take this. You never really lied to him before or kept anything from him. It was really hard for you to but you managed.

You got really nervous on gameday. You wanted the packers to win so bad. You were getting ready in the bathroom, when you heard someone knock on the door. You went to the door to see who it was. You were on edge because you were so hoping that it wouldn't be Clay at the door. But you opened the door and saw that it was your dad.

"Hi Hannah." Your dad said as he hugged you and came into the door

"Hi dad. Does anyone know where you are?" You asked

"No. As far as anyone knows I am just taking a walk around the hotel." He said

"Okay. Can you watch Alexis-Jane while I finish getting ready" You stated

"Yeah sure." He said

"When is the team leaving?" You asked

"In about 15 minutes." He answered

"Shoot. I better head over to the stadium." You said as you walked out of the bathroom and grabbed your purse and baby bag.

"I have a cab waiting outside for you." Your dad said as he helped you with Alexis-Jane.

"OK. I will soon you soon." You said as you headed out.

Once you got to the stadium, there was someone waiting for you. You got out of the cab with Alexis-Jane and your stuff. The man helped you with the baby bag and you followed him into the stadium. He lead you to the locker room. You said thank you and parted ways. You stayed in the training room and waited there until your dad texted you. About half an hour went by and your dad texted you saying that they are at the stadium. You turned off the lights in the training room and hid. You waited 2 more minutes and you could hear the sound of people talking. You knew that they were in the locker room. You soon heard the distinctive sound of both Clay's and your dad's voices coming towards you.

"Coach McCarthy, I don't understand why you need to talk to me. Shouldn't I be getting ready for the game?" Clay asked

"Yes but this is important" He said which was the signal for you.

"HI Clay" You said

"Hannah!?!?! What are you doing here?" Clay asked

"What do you think I came to watch the game." You responded.

"You even brought Alexis-Jane with you?" He asked

"Yes I did. I have sideline tickets. So you and dad can check up on me every so often," You said

"That's great. I can't wait to see you on the sideline." Clay said

"Clay go get ready for the game." Your dad said

"Alright." Clay said as he kissed both you and Alexis-Jane and then he left. 

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