Danny Amandela

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It was your twin daughters first birthday and Danny was nowhere in sight. You knew that he was running a few errands. But he left about two and a half hours ago. You didn't know why it was taking so long to run 4 simple errands. You called him about half an hour ago but he didn't answer. People were supposed to be showing up around 2:30-3:30. It was almost 2:00 in the afternoon. You picked up your phone to call Danny again. That's when you heard the Garage door open and saw Danny walk through the door that leads to the Garage.

"Danny, what took you so god damn long? You were just supposed to get party supplies and a cake and right come back. What was so hard about that?" you asked

"Babe, I am really sorry. But I had to go to three different stores just to find the decorations that you had asked for. Then it took 30 minutes for the cake to be finished once I got there. Then it took another half an hour to get home because there was traffic because a wreck was being moved to the side of the road. That's why it took me so long to get home." Danny said as he gently put the cake down on the island in the kitchen.

"Well the cake looks good despite you having to wait half an hour for it to be finished completely." You stated

"Yeah that's what I had said as well." Danny agreed

"Well, let's just hope that the cake is a crowd pleaser." you teased as you looked over at the twins. Danny laughed as he went back to his car to get the rest of the supplies. You had rearranged the fridge to make space for the cake. Your mom showed up at just the right before Danny came back in.

"Hi mom. I expected that you would come this early, maybe even earlier." I mentioned.

"Hi hun. Hi Danny. Do you need help with the supplies?" My mom asked Danny

"No Endora, I got it. It's not that much anyway." Danny spoke as he had set the party supplies pm the dining room table.

"Alrighty. Where are my granddaughters" Endora asked

"They are in their play pin in the living room." You answered as you walked towards the table.

Then you had started to put the supplies up and Danny was cooking the food. You were almost finished setting the decorations when people started to show up. You had told the parents to set the presents on the kitchen table. Once you finished setting the decorations up, you went outside and started socializing with all the other moms.
"Summer, I can't believe you still look good after having twins!" Jenna acknowledged
"Said the woman who gave birth to triplets!" I laughed at the notion.
"True. But it took twice as long to look as good as Summer." Jenna stated
"Summer, who would have thought that you would finally have two beautiful twin girls." Jen chimed in
"Thanks everyone!! I couldn't have done it without all of your support. I really do appreciate it!" I said without hesitation
"Let's get the party started!" Amanda said

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