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When Jungkook wakes the next morning, exactly fifteen minutes before his first class, Taehyung's already showered, been on a run, and stuffed himself with some box cereal. Somehow, they end up leaving the dorm room at the same time and by some miracle, make it in time for class.

Taehyung sits through his classes, watching time tick by, half paying attention to the professor talking. Instead, he stares outside the window, watching the other students mingle as they get to class. When all his classes are finally, over, Taehyung heads over to Movement Lifestyle dance studio.

There's something about dancing that relaxes him.

Maybe it's the loud music, or the way Taehyung forces himself to concentrate on perfecting the dance moves, but when he dances, it's like all the stress of school and Freya fades into the darkness. He's present when he dances, and when the sweat drips from his face, it's satisfying and oddly refreshing.

It's six o'clock, and Taehyung's just finished up a class, when he receives a call from Jungkook.

"Tae," Jungkook says immediately, before Taehyung can get a word in. His voice sounds exasperated, like he's run a marathon. "I - I saw -"

"Sometime today would be nice." he jokes, wiping sweat off his face.

"I saw her. The girl in your pictures. I saw her."

Taehyung freezes. "What did you say?"

"Freya. Your girl. She transferred into my class today."

On any ordinary day, Jungkook saying "your girl" to him would've made him chuckle, but it's not any ordinary day and Taehyung doesn't think he could laugh if he tried. Freya's here. Of course she would find him. It was only a matter of time before they would meet again and Taehyung would have to restrain himself from falling for her.

"Did you tell her about me?" he whispers.

"What? No, no. I didn't know if you wanted me to, so I didn't mention you."

For that, Taehyung thanks him. He makes a mental note to take Jungkook out for dinner later, when things aren't as complicated as they are now. "Thanks, man. I don't think you should tell her about me, for now."

"Got it." Jungkook says. "You coming back for dinner?"

"Yeah, yeah I am. See you in a bit." 


happy suga day!!!! uwuuuu 

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