"you kiss her, you kill her."

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i really shouldn't be writing right now and there's a 90% chance i'll end up taking this down but for now, im kinda ok with this. 

also i have no idea why i keep writing with taehyung when jungkook is my bias. i think he just fits every concept, and believe me, this taehyung is soooo different from Secret Santa's goofy, cocky taehyung.

but yeah this story is loosely based on the book 'Fallen' in case anyone's ever read it. I read it literally ages ago and i have no recollection of the details whatsoever so im writing this story based on the main idea of the story, which is where girl dies every time boy kisses her. 

this is set in california, because west coast is the best coast. ALSO WARNING THESE WILL BE RELATIVELY SHORT CHAPTERS (since i originally planned this as a one shot rather than a full fledged fic so think of the chapters more as snapshots into taehyung's life) 

:) prepare yourselves for a shit ton of angst and enjoy!!!

 - kayla 

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