Don't say

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Emily PoV
Just as I was about to say something to Mya I feel someone tap my shoulder.

When I turned around it was one I didn't expect my father Nico Di Angelo standing there.
        "Hi dad" Max said
        "Dad what are you doing here" I say

   "You don't remember I always come once a week every summer just to see you" he says

       I knew what he was talking about but apparently my face didn't.

"It was your idea when you were little you didn't want to leave home for an entire summer" he says

"Yes I know " I reply. He looks right past me and looks directly at Mya.

"So who's this" he says

"My names Mya Turank" Mya says holding out her hand.

      My father politely shakes it you can tell he's uncomfortable the only people who touches him are basically my family that's it.

     "Where's Ricky?" my father says

      "In his cabin" Max says

       "Well I'm going to say hi to your brother I'll see you later tonight okay" he says as he kisses my forehead and gives Max a big hug.

      I say I'm to old for kisses on the forehead but he strongly disagrees.

"He doesn't like me already does he" Mya says I could tell that she's a people pleaser.
"No he's just not used to human interaction with people that are not his family" Max says

"I guess being shy runs in the family, well to you at least" she said.
"Yep" Max says

Jake POV
   I am in bunker 9 building something "incredible" (no I'm not) and I finally got away from Clara after a full hour of hiding.

The memory of me kissing Clara just keeps running through my head.

Ohh shist (A/N we keep it PG here okayy) Clara's father would kill me if he found out that I kissed his daughter if you don't know anything about her father...well at least the way he acts around her he is very very very very I repeat very over protective of Clara I want to be able to live to graduate high school I'm not ready to die yet.

       I heard a knock on my door I jump, scream, and drop all my tools in my hand afraid about what's on the other side of that door...but it was my Mom and Dad.

I let out a breath of freaking relief.

"BAD BOY SUPREME IS IN THE HOUSE" my dad said my mom punched his arm.

    "hi buddy so how's camp so far" my mom said.
"good" I said

"What did you do why did you use that tone" my mother said with a face that honestly scared the crap out of me.

"what time mother I have no idea what you're talking about" I say Im a really bad liar.

"Jake the last time I checked I've been your mother for the past 13 years I think I know if you are hiding something" she says.

"Okay, okay fine I kissed a girl" I say.
"YOU KISSED A GIRL!?!?" My mom said "omg my little boy is growing up so fast" she came to hug me. Really. REALLY. tight.

"my little boy had his first kiss and wanted to hide it from me, so who was it?" She asked. Most kids do not want their mom to know who they kissed because most of the time it either was a accident or in a game of spin the bottle.

"" I said nervously
  "Oh come on we all know it was Clara you've liked her for years" I hear a voice say it sounded like a...little sister called Esperanza, I didn't even know she entered the room.

"You know her dad is gonna kill you right," My dad said in the chair he was sitting in.
"Leo!!" my mom said punching his arm...again.
"sorry sunshine," my father says "he won't kill you not if I have anything to say about it"
      "Esperanza why did you tell them" I say
      "you didn't tell them I thought they knew," she says I know she's lying.

"I hate you" I say
"Jake be nice" My mother said
"I lovingly hate you my dear sister" I say in a sarcastic tone

The Kids of Olympus: The Beginning (UNDER CONSTRUCTION/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now