Book 2 cover release

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(A/N I am releasing a second book in the series this is going to be a 5 book series and the cover for the 2nd book in on top😊)

Jake POV
I started to fall asleep but before I fell asleep I said to Festus
"Festus you think you can fly while I'm sleeping" I said and he started to make noises CREEK!! CRACK!! in morse code of course I can he said and I dosed of to sleep.

Time skip to when he wakes up
"Wake up elfiy" I wake up and we are on the ground I am on the ground I sit up
"Where's Festus" I said Clara is right in front of me

"Over there" she said pointing her finger behind me I see Festus on the ground sleeping

"Where are we" I said

"Quebec city Festus flew us all the way here" Clara said I went up to Festus and said

"Okay Festus stay close by just incase I need you okay" I said and Festus flew of

"Okay so how are we going to deal with Emily we can't carry Emily we can't carry her around Quebec City or people will get suspicious" Clara said

"You don't have to" a voice said and me and Clara turn around and we see Emily

"You made a really good entrance" I said

"How did you wake up so early you shadow traveled very far" Clara said "I don't know why but now that we got Festus I won't shadow travel that much and take it easy" Emily said

"Lets go we still need to find Ares" Emily said
Then all five of us started walking to find a store so that Clara can find a map so we can find Ares

I started working on my gift while we where walking I almost could've ran into a pole 8 times if Clara hadn't pulled me aside then I felt a tug on my arm I looked up and it was Clara
"We found a store" Clara said and it was a Walmart "a Walmart" I said
"It's a store where we can get clothes and food" Clara said and we walked inside the Walmart I get really need to get new clothes for three reasons
1.they started to smell
2.they have motor oil(don't ask why)
3.clara drooled all over it
I grab a white shirt and jeans and that's pretty much it I see max grabbing a black shirt and jeans and a aviator jacket that looked kind like the one his dad wears I go to the dressing room to try on the white shirt and jeans then I get an iris-message from my dad
"Dad what do you want" I said

"I think I have an idea where Ares is" he said


"In the Chatu, Cate um" he said
"the Château Frontenac repair boy" I heard a female voice say that female voice is most likely to be my mom

"Thanks sunshine" he said

"What is that"

"It's the building where Khione most likely is and I know because I've been there before and you are not allowed to go up there because of your powers okay so be prepared so tell the rest that this where Khione might be" he said

"Wait how do you know that we are looking for Ares" I said

"Annabeth told me" he said

"Oh okay bye dad" I said

"Bye" he said and the call ended

And the clothes fit me perfectly and I grabbed a army jacket that fit me and I grabbed the clothes and waited by the cash register for them then I see Clara with clothes in one arm
"I know where Khione is with Ares" Clara said

"The Château Frontenac" we both said

"How do you know that it's the Château Frontenac" Clara said

"My dad told me" I said

And we stood by the cash register and waited for the rest. Once they all came we payed well Clara payed and we went out side with our bags and Clara told them about Khione and the Château Frontenac

"It's only a 14 minute walk from here if we run its 12 minutes" Clara said

"Um guys when we go I won't be able to go with you I mean I can go in the building but once you get near the top I can't go up higher because of my powers" I said

"Okay thanks for telling us Jake" Clara said

"So why are we standing her let's go find the God of War and set him free" Emily said and we started walking towards the Château Frontenac.

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