Harry styles part 1

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Imagine with Harry Styles

You were at school and you didn't think this was gonna happen but the members of One Direction were gonna vist your school. You thought: Oh even if i meet them Harry's never gonna like me, Cause he's perfect and i'm not. Little did you know Harry actually liked you but you could never tell. The principal told everyone to go out to the front of the school for a huge surprise. You didn't know what was happening so you just got your friend to be with you. You saw a huge bus in the front of the school that looked like it was from a junkyard but you didn't know it was just a cover up of One Direction's tour bus. You saw a Guy with curly hair walk out and you said : OMG IS THAT HARRY STYLES?!?!?!?!?!?! Then you saw the other members walk out and they all said: Hello We Are One Direction!!!! You and Harry locked eyes for a few second and then you just looked away real quick blushing crazily, but when you looked back you saw Harry whisper something to the guys but you couldn't quite tell what he was saying. Harry: I just saw a beautiful girl. Louis: *Being jealous* Well who is it Harry?!?! Zayn: Woah Louis yourself so what Harry thinks someone's cute big deal. Niall: DOES SHE HAVE FOOD?!??!?!?!?!? Liam: Yes Niall she most likely does at her HOUSE!! Harry: I will go talk to her and find out more about her. Louis: Fine Harry we are done. Harry walked over to you smiling and said: Hi i'm Harry, What's your name? Y/N: I'm Y/N. Harry: Y/N that's a beautiful name. You smile and he says: I would like to get to know you more. And hands you his phone so you can put your number in.Once you put your number in Harry hugs you and say's i'll talk to you later. You get home from school and you wait for Harry to text you. It was about an hour later from when you go home and Harry finally texted you saying: Y/N it's Harry. You text him back in a hurry saying: I have something to say that's sorta stupid. Harry: Me too,but you go first. You: I really like you but I hardly know you so I don't know if I completly like you yet. Harry: Me too I like you to but I only talked to you for a little bit. You: Well maybe we could get to know each other more. You and Harry start asking each other questions seeing what you guys have in common and what you don't have in common. You and Harry actually had alot of stuff in common and just before you had to go he asked: Y/N would you like to go out with me? You: Harry now that i know how much stuff we have in common i would love to. You and Harry met up the next day and after talking for a little while he slowly kissed you on the lips and then held your hand and told the boys about you and him. Louis of course walked away with all his sass and the other boy's congratulated him about his new beautiful girlfriend. You and Harry dated for 1 year and on this day October 08 He asked you to marry him. You said yes and you and Harry had 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. They all grew up healthy and successful

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