EXO Imagines- Chanyeol (finding happiness)

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You remembered the time how you two first met...

It was raining.. you don't have any umbrella so you just decided to run under the rain..

But someone bumped into you accidentally

"Sorry..." you both said..

that time, your heart skipped fast...

As the time goes by, you didn't expect that he will be your new classmate...

You became friends for a years...

And falling for each other is not impossible...

You can still detail, analyse, and remember the feeling when he said

"Can you be my girl?"

Your first kiss with him, hug, holding hands....first fight with him... the times when you cried and he comforted you...

You remembered it all

"You, Park Chanyeol. Do you accept this girl as your beloved wife? That no matter what happens, you will still be there on her side? For richer and poorer, in sickness and in health till death do as part?"

Your senses went back when you heard the voice of the priest

"i do!" Chanyeol said while smiling... everyone can tell and see how happy he is right now

"~~~~…… you may now kiss the bride...."

Chanyeol smiled to his girl...

You stood up and clapped your hand.. your smile is genuine...

Sadly, you two did not end up together..

Three years ago, there's a lot of changes... and it was just end up in breaking... giving up....and loosing hope..

But you can't change it now... all you want to do is support his happiness..

"Be happy Chanyeol, I know you'll be happy with her... and I promise, after I leave this Church, i will find my own happiness..." you said to your self..

When the ceremony was finished, Chanyeol and her wife walks to you

"Hey Chanyeol! Congratulations.." you are really happy for them but you can't lie that you still love him..but not the way you used before...

"Thanks (Y/N)... can't you really go to the reception?" He asked

"I'm sorry,.. i really can't... my flight from US is 4 hours from now... i need to pack my things up.. i'm really sorry"

"No, it's okay... so, (Y/N)... we're leaving..."

"Okay! .. arasseo... good luck for the both of you.." you smiled and waved your hand..

You were all about to leave when Chanyeol shouted to you


You smiled

"I WILL!! "


You are now in the plane..

"Well, it is the first step of Moving on... I hope, i could find my happiness there" you said while reading a book

Someone sat beside you and poked your head

"YAh----! Omo!! Wh-what are you doing here?!"

You pointed him

"Annyeong (Y/N)!! ^___^ "

You rolled your eyes

"Aish.. what a life..."

"I'm gonna work at New York.... in Haleigm.. that's why I'm here"

You did not respond...

Ottoke???! How can we have a SAME WORK and PLACE?!

"(Y/N)... i really missed you!"

"Ugh.. shut up!"


He is Oh Sehun...your mortal enemy... you're always pissed off with his attitude to the point that you want to send him to the outer space!

And now, you're  heading in US.... working in New York.....

With him......

The most loathsome creature you've met

"This will be more exciting..." he said while smirking...

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