chapter 2

17 1 0

"Alexis, get up."

The 17 year old boy turned in his bed and groaned a bit, while his mom just stood there eyeing her son tumbled and turn.

When he stopped moving and fell back to slumberland again, Mrs. Wei sighed and yelled at her son.


A few seconds passed and he slowly got up and yawned loudly, "I'm up..." he mumbled sleepily his eyes still closed.

Mrs. Wei sighed and just flicked his forehead, the boy frowned and tried to open his eyes. His mom's angry face came into view and he just smiled at her.

"Oh, morning ma!" He chirped happily and opened out his arms, signaling her to give him a morning hug like they always do everytime they wake up.

"No morning hugs for you today! Hurry up and get ready! You're almost late!"

She ordered and stormed out of his room, leaving the door wide open. Wei sighed and just lazily got out of bed.

He brushed up his teeth, wash his face and smoothed his hair to it usual state, messy but not too messy, it's just how his hair works.

While putting on his uniform, his phone beeped when he was just adjusting his tie, his eyes immediately snapped over to the side of his bed, where his smartphone was laying on top of the night stand, still being charge.

He fixed his tie in a second and went over, picking up his phone he turned on the screen and his eyes sparkled at the sight of her name.

"Morning sleepyhead! Have a happy day in school! C:"

He smiled at that and replied a quick text.

"Morning! (: Did you dream about add maths?"

Wei smirked as soon as he pressed 'Send' he knew what her reaction would be.


Wei grabbed for his bagpack and went downstairs.

His dad drove him to school and he got out of it as soon as his dad parked his car at the parking lot.

"Wei!" His dad called and Wei stopped. He turned to his dad.

"Don't forget to tell Nathan that practice starts at 3 today. We got a big game next Monday, got it?"

Wei nodded. "Got it, dad."

As he was about to entered the school building his dad called out to him, "Wei, what do you call me when we're in school?"

Wei just sighed and force himself to turn around to face him. "Sorry, Mr. Wei."

His dad nodded. "Now go to class. You'll be late."

Wei turned back and walked inside the school building, walking through the hallways, many people greeted him, students and teachers.

Wei practically was known throughout the whole school. Everybody knew who he was and his dad.

Wei's name is Alexis Wei but people called him Wei mostly, nobody uses his first name and he didn't mind that. He was also one of the top students in school.

You could say he is the prince of his school, good in everything. Tall, excellent features, good in sports, and is a top student. Wei was perfect in everybody's eyes.

Besdies being good in every school work, his personality is one of the best too. He was kind, helpful and is a friendly person.

Many girls adored him, some even confessed. But he rejected every one of it, except for one girl.

That girl is, Sarah. She is Wei's current girlfriend, and also a popular person in school.

Sarah was known as the school's Most Beautiful Girl. She has amazing features and a body to die for. She was also a top student. And she was in 2nd place as Wei took 1st place.

Unlike Wei she isn't good in sports and has a terrible personality. Sarah look down on many people that didn't fit her level and people that are indifferent to her.

God knows why those two are together. You could say none of them had mutual feelings towards one another.

"WEI~" A voice cooed behind him and Wei stopped on his tracks, he was just about to enter his classroom but he stopped and turn to the direction of the sound.

Sarah was strutting down the hallway with her fellow minions, girls that try to idolize her stood beside her, learning how to walk like her and be like her.

Wei just gave a small smile towards her and a wave.

When she came closer to him, she immediately grabbed onto his arm and giggled happily.

"Let's walk in class together!" Wei didn't had the chance to respond as she just dragged him inside.

Her minions disappeared in a flash as soon as she entered her classroom with poor Wei getting dragged.

When he arrived at his seat, he immediately shake her off his arm and sat down on his seat.

Thankfully for him, Sarah sat 3 rows away from him. He can finally have his free time and some guy time with his friends.

Luckily, his surroundings were all his friends in the sports club like him.

The front sat Jason, left is Nathan, right is Joe, the back sat Tim.

The 4 of them would always arrive later than him, so Wei isn't surprised, he always came to school early because his dad is the school's coach for the sports department. Which is why Wei is widely known everywhere because of his dad and because of his excellence in sports and grades.

You could say he is his school's own icon.

He flipped out his smartphone when he saw that he had 10 minutes free time before the attendance check start.

The first message he saw was hers.

He tapped on it and his eyes lit up at her message, and a smile crept up on his lips.


Wei smiled and typed back a text.

"I will help you with it if you want to. As you know I'm very terrible at it. I will make you even more terrible than me! Btw, I just reached school. How about you?"

He placed his phone down andd waited for her text.

She replied in a minute, and he read it.

"Ha. Ha. Yeah right! 'Terrible' your head! And yeah I just reached school, nearly bang onto the door when I entered the gates. All thanks to your text, my phone beeped insanely loud. I nearly got caught. No thanks to you! D:<"

Wei snickered, trying to contain his laughter in. He typed back a quick text and shut his phone.

"HAHAHA! Well whose fault was it that didn't set the phone silent? Hmmm :P?"

"WEI!" A loud voice called out and Wei looked up, he swiftly slided his phone in his desk drawer and looked up.

"What's up Jason?"

Jason just smiled at him and told him about his wonderful morning story about bumping into the teacher at the grocery store at 5am.

Wei listened attentively and laughed. While Sarah who was sitting 3 rows away from him had a frown on her face.

She was eyeing his desk drawer, his smartphone lit up and her frown deepened. *Who is that person texting him?*

She remembered earlier how happy Wei look and how he had to contain his laughter.

*It better not be a girl...* She thought angrily.

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