Chapter 32

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A little earlier than usual end of week update for you lovely people! Super excited for the long weekend (Labor Day on Monday for us Aussies 😝) so I might even update again very soon!!!

Dedicated to Your_Bus_Driver for driving me to school every day! (jks she's not actually my bus driver haha! 😆)


I was a little nervous about attending the mosque Friday night, because there was always the big possibility of seeing Zaid there. But my nerves dissipated as soon as I reunited with Fatima. I hadn't seen her in over two weeks, and to say I missed her was an understatement.

"Oh, I am so glad to see you, Fatima!" I rushed into her arms and hugged her tight, murmuring into her hijab, "Do you know how much I love you, habibti?"

"I'm definitely feeling the love," Fatima grunted, and I chuckled, loosening my grip and holding her at arm's length. Her salmon pink hijab really brought out the brown in her irises, and after being separated from her for so long, I felt like I was memorizing her face all over again.

"It is a crime to keep us apart," I said as I slung my arm around her, heading towards the women's section of the mosque.

"It certainly is," Fatima agreed.

I spotted Yasmine and dragged Fatima with me towards her so we could pray next to each other. Zeinab was already there, conversing with my best friend. When Fatima and I joined them, Yasmine grinned.

"The whole gang has reunited!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"Speaking of, we haven't had a meeting in weeks!" Zeinab pouted.

Fatima nodded, turning to me. "Yeah, we need a progress update."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Yes,  In Sha Allah I will tell you everything, but first, we have to pray!"

"Pray before play," Yasmine stated solemnly, adjusting her skirt so that it covered her feet properly as we stood in line, shoulder to shoulder so the devil couldn't get between us.

After prayer, people split off either to go home, catch up or read Quran. Immi let me know that she was going to read some Quran with Samia and Azima, Fatima's mother, and I nodded, letting her know that I'd be with my sisters. Fatima's older sister Aisha was already sitting in the corner, reading Quran by herself, Masha'allah. Aisha was very pious and dedicated to Islam, which was why Fatima was too, as Aisha was Fatima's role model. And Fatima was my role model, and I was Zeinab and Yasmine's role model. We were all role models in our own ways to different people.

"Let's go outside and talk," Yasmine suggested, pointing towards the exit. I nodded, and Zeinab and Fatima followed. In the midst of people I looked for Nasr, and sure enough, I spotted him in the foyer, talking to none other than...

"Hide me," I ducked behind Fatima and gripped her shoulders, attempting to walk behind her without tripping over my or her feet.

"What are you doing?" Fatima asked me suspiciously, and Zeinab and Yasmine stopped in their tracks to give me strange looks.

"Playing hide and seek?" I tried.

"Who's counting?" Yasmine smirked at me, planting a hand on her hip.

"Time," I replied deeply.

Fatima shook me off her shoulders and fixed her eyes on me, and by the look in them I knew she meant business. "Stop messing about, Mims, what's the big deal? Who are you hiding from?"

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