Chapter 51

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RAMADAN KAREEM!!! 🌙 I hope you are all having a safe and healthy ramadan, filled with blessings and rewards.

Exams are over which means more updates yay! I have a long weekend which means I will be updating for the next four days insha'allah at least 2-3 times 🎉🎆

Anyway, better let you get on with the chapter, as you must be eager to read! 😄


Damian's POV

The week went faster than I thought it would. Mainly because there was just so much to do.

I went ring shopping with Tracey on Sunday, since she insisted on choosing it for me. Apparently, as a man, I didn't understand the tastes of a woman, so she claimed that it was best if she helped me decide and give a "woman's perspective." Of course, I couldn't argue, because I wanted to give Mariam the best ring she deserved, and Tracey was better at choosing than me.

Aunt Kate officially moved in with us after realizing that it would be easier for her to help out, which meant that Tracey was around more than usual. And for once that didn't bother me as much, since I really needed her. I couldn't do this alone. I probably never would've done it if it weren't for Tracey.

Mum was getting weaker, but she still contributed to the organisations, ordering me around just like she used to. Her voice was fading, yet she had as much power over me as anyone else. Dad was at work most of the time, but he did do his part, making calls to family members who could come for the engagement party which would take place at a function venue he had booked last week, as there were going to be a lot of guests.

All week I was buzzing with this new feeling inside of me, a feeling that everything was going to work out, Insha'Allah, and that I was entering a new chapter of my life, one that would be completely devoted to Mariam. But as I got ready for the engagement party that Saturday, I couldn't help having doubts. Not about the engagement itself, but...myself.

Was I really capable of being the guy Mariam deserves, and being by her side for...for as long as God willed? Was I, Damian Brewer, ready to make this commitment?

But I was forgetting one main thing – I wasn't the same person I had been over a year ago. That Damian was gone. Dead. Buried in the past. He technically didn't exist anymore, since he had been replaced by the new and improved Damian who submitted to the will of Allah, the Almighty, instead of walking on this Earth thinking he was so mighty. I had changed; more importantly, Mariam had changed me, and being with her would only benefit me. But would it benefit her?

"Damian, are you done checking yourself out? We have to leave!" Tracey called.

I smirked at myself in the mirror at Tracey's words, remembering the days when I thought I was hot stuff. I guess I still did, since I looked fine, Masha'allah.

"Wow, did you seriously just wink at your reflection? Gosh, Damian, you really haven't changed one bit," Tracey rolled her eyes in the mirror, and I turned to her, holding out my arms and saying, "How do I look?"

"I don't think I need to tell you how good you look since you already know," Tracey said sarcastically.

"True," I laughed. "But seriously, though." I straightened up as Tracey scrutinized me.

Finally, she said, "You've got a little something..." she pointed to my shirt, but before I could look down, I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I'm not falling for that one again," I deadpanned.

Tracey smiled. "Hm, I'm impressed. It seems like you have matured after all."

"Don't be so sure," I chuckled, sticking my tongue out at her to show my maturity.

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