Chapter 6

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I'm unpacking all my things now, making my bed, putting up posters and setting up pictures.

"Hmmm, zebra print comforter with blue fuzzy pillows?" inquires Jaz watching me unpack my luggage. She's been here since morning with her side of the room all set up. "I thought you would be more like a "Plane Jane" you know? Just plain old cream."

"No that's not really me. It's too... boring? I need something more bright and fun!"

"Well then, you really seem to amaze me, but definitley in a good way." I place the picture of Ivy and I on my bedside table.

"Who's the girl Haze?"

"Oh that's Ivy, she's been my bestfriend forever."

"Lucky, I wish I could have a bestfriend like that."

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Well my dads work makes him move around alot for the job. Where ever he goes my mom and I follow suit. I never stayed anywhere long enough to make a bestfriend sadly."

"That must really suck."

"Yeah but that's why I've been looking so forward to university. I can actually stay here!" She's smiling now and I can tell that she's genuinely happy. I take out all my posters and start pinning them up.

"Oh. My. Lord. You like One Direction too?"


"Whose your fav?"

"Harry", I say smiling.

"OMG! Me too!" I didn't realize it but Jaz's walls are also covered with the hot boy band.

"Ah dear Hazel, I can already tell you and I are going to be good friends."

"May I borrow your dock for a moment?"

"Oh! Be my guest." Within seconds One Direction's amazing melody, "The Best Song Ever", is blaring in our dorm. Jaz and I are on our beds now, screaming and dancing to the song. This feels so good, just letting loose and having fun.

*Music Playing*

And we danced all night

to the best song ever!

We knew every line

now I can't remember!

How it goes but I know that I won't

forget her!

Just then a boy with caramel brown hair and placid green eyes bursts through the door. "What do you girls think you're doing?"

"Ahhh!" I scream because the outburst came out of no where. Absolutely no where.

"Josh!" shouts Jaz turning off the music. "You nearly gave Hazel a heart attack!"

"Ah", he exclaims. "So you're the hirl Dex can't stop talking about." He's talking about me?

"Haze this is Josh, Josh Haze." Jaz says introducing us. I'm still breathing heavy so I just shake his hand. Just the Dex comes running in the room, just great!

"Josh what happened? You said you were gonna introduce yourself not put them in cardiac arrest."

"My bad, how was I supposed to know the difference?" Both the guys are chuckling now but I'm still expiriencing a light case of shock.

"Hey! Earth to Haze!" Jaz butts in. "You okay?"

"Hmmm? Yeah."

Josh appologizes. "I'm really sorry Hazel. I didn't know you would get scared that easily. I'll know better for next time." Dex then takes my hand, helping me down from the bed but he doesn't let go.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah! Positive." I say smiling now. With that he pulls me into a warm embrace. I was rather enjoying his Holister scent when Jaz ruins the moment.

"Alright, out, out! The girl needs to get ready."

Oh crap! The date. What am I going to wear?

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