Chapter One

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It seemed like forever as I was walking up the steps. I took another deep breath before opening the front door. There were four long desks, each with a class on it. I walked over to the one that said 'sophomore'. "Name please?" An older woman looked up and gave me a genuine smile. I reciprocated the actions. "Malissa Marcella." She scanned through the many papers. "Here you are sweety", she said handing me two papers, "this is your schedule and your locker number and combination. Have a great first day." I smiled and walked away as she helped the next student. I looked at the paper with my locker number. 4-028. Perfect, my locker was in the most crowded hallway...again. There were only four hallways. It looked and was so big because we had two gyms.

I walked to the 400s hallway and found locker 4-028. I put my bookbag and all of my books, except a notebook and pencil, in my locker. I closed the locker door and put my back up against it. I looked at my schedule and noticed I had all honors. I had ten minutes before I had to be in religion, my first class. I decided to walk around.

I saw some old faces and I saw some new, transfer students. All the transfers seemed to be boys. I knew I wasn't going to talk to anyone so I decided to listen to some music. I hit shuffle and started to walk again. The first song to play was "A Drop in the Ocean" by Ron Pope. I thought to change it but settled on listening to it. I went to Twitter and started scrolling. I kept my head down as I kept walking. Nothing interesting was on my feed so I stuck my phone in my back pocket. I started walking towards the 200s hallway to religion class. That's when some guy book checked me. I only had a notebook but my two pieces of paper fluttered out. I bent down to pick up the pages. While walking away, I heard the boy say, "Loner Lissa is back!" I scoffed as I went to pick up my notebook but someone had already done that. I looked him in the face and noticed he was a transfer. He had wild blue eyes and blonde-dyed hair. I hadn't noticed I had been staring at him until he made a little chuckle while saying, "Hellooo." I snapped out of it and grabbed my notebook. "Thanks." I said quietly while looking at the floor, avoiding eye contact. I stuffed the papers back in my notebook. Before I could walk away, he asked, "What's your name?" Why was he talking to me? Not that I didn't like it, but it felt weird. It felt good. "Um...I'm Malissa." I looked up to see him smiling at me. I could feel confusion filling my face. "What?" A smile crept onto my face. "I, I just really like your name." "Thanks uh. What's your name?" I started to walk to class as he walked beside me, our arms brushing at times. "I'm Niall. what class are you going too?" "Religion, you?" "Me too!" His face lit up, his eyes lighter than before.

As we walked into class, the teacher told us we could pick our seats. All the students tried to rush to the back seats. I chose to sit in the middle front seat. The jerk who book checked me earlier laughed as I sat down. "Typical Loner Lissa!" Everyone started to laugh. Everyone except Niall. He took the seat to the right of me. No one laughed. It was actually silent. Even Jason the jerk had no words. I looked at Niall and he smiled at me. I reciprocated the action as the teacher walked in. Did I just make a friend?

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