Chapter 1

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"Who is this bounty on again?" Jango Fett said to the boss over his communicator.

"Allen Lasko." he repeated.

The man's face was hidden since he didn't have a face cam. "Got it."

Later, Jango went into orbit of the planet Allen Lasko was thought to be on, Tatooine.

"A.I., search the database for Allen Lasko, my new target."

"Searching, Allen Lasko...DING! Results found."

"Where is he hiding?"

"Mos Eisley"

Jango set his ship off for Mos Eisley.

Then, as the sleek ship known as the Slave I started to turn around to go directly to Mos Eisley, his ship's speakers blasted the the voice of the bounty hunter, Bossk.

"Hello, Jango." Bossk snarled. "What a coincidence meeting you here. I hope you're not here to collect the $20,000 bounty on Allen Lasko, because he's mine."

"Don't get in my way. He's my target." Jango warned.

Jango turned off his communicator and commanded his A.I. to tell him all useful info on Bossk.

"A.I., search the database for Bossk the bounty hunter."

"Searching, Bossk the Bounty Hunter... DING! Results found. Threatening and intimidating, he is among the galaxy's most in-demand bounty hunters, and as a Trandoshan, is a natural hunter. He has no armor, a reptilian appearance, long arms and legs with clawed hands and feet."


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"Hmm. Doesn't sound like much of a threat to me. Blast right through him."

"Krakow! Krakow!" went the blaster cannons

Bossk's ship veered to the side as the red lasers missed his ship, the Hound's Tooth.

Bossk's ship veered to the side as the red lasers missed his ship, the Hound's Tooth

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"I've upgraded my ship, Jango. It's maximum speed is much greater than before!" he boasted.

Jango started to think.

'If he upgraded his speed, he must be getting energy from somewhere where there is a lot of energy.'

"Aha!" Jango exclaimed as an idea dawned on him."If your speed is greater, then your shields must be down!" But then he remembered that his communicator was off, so he was just sitting there like a fool.

"A.I., set blaster speed higher."

"But sir, if I did that, the power of the blast would be diminished greatly."

At this point Jango knew that Bossk's ship was just a slightly faster, more vulnerable hunk of metal.

"I don't care. Just do it!" Jango commanded.

"Yes, sir. Firing cannons."

Jango's Slave I shot directly at the Hound's Tooth, but just like last time, Bossk dodged the lasers. However, not like last time, Jango disappeared behind an asteroid.

It was obvious that Bossk was confused, as he did not see Jango's swift maneuver. He stealthily took cover behind asteroid after asteroid until he was behind the Hound's Tooth. Quickly, he gave up cover and came out, ready to ambush the ship.

His plan worked! Bossk had no idea Jango would do this, therefore Jango took the advantage and fired upon he Hound's Tooth.

"Kaboom!" went the Hound's Tooth.

"Now that there are no more problems, I can finally get my target. A.I., head towards Mos Eisley." commanded Jango.

"Yes, Sir. Now heading towards Mos Eisley." answered the A.I..

Jango Fett - Bounty Hunter and AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now