Chapter 1.

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"Sherlock" John said in a hushed voice with tints of urgency.
"John, what do I owe the pleasure?" Sherlock asked calmly as he kept wallking down the street at his characteristic fast pace.
"I... Uhm... Came to visit. But you're not here and-"
"Oh" the detective smirked, "I'll take it you've met Phonny", John took a breath to answer, Sherlock didn't let him and hung up. "Long not seen, John". He said from right behind the doctor making him jump.
"Why'd you do that?" He said trying to regain his breath. Sherlock just gave him a small smile and extended his hand to greet his best friend.
Watson took it with a sigh to recover from his breath loss and squeezed it before pulling him in for a hug.
"Now, what was so alarming you had to call me even though you were already- Oh!" A smug grin made an apparition between his sharp cheekbones. From over John's shoulder he could see her sound asleep on the couch.
"Maybe," Doctor Watson said in a hushed tone , "The fact that there's a naked lady on your couch!" His eyes jumped nervously between the detective and the sleeping woman, his face was turning pink and the fact that he was so uncomfortable and easy to read made Sherlock's heart swell with recognition.
"She's not naked, she has a shirt and knickers" The tall man replied ever so calmly as he advanced through the room and with an elegant and swift movement of his hand he invited his companion to take his designed seat.
John didn't move, "I didn't know you let prostitutes stay while you left for a case. That's a bit irresponsible". Sherlock stared at him from the corner of his eye as he took his violin in his hands only to tune it.
"She's trust worthy and actually-" he was interrupted by a huffed laugh and a incredulous shake of Watson's head.
"So she's a regular" he laughed out loud this time, "Sherlock Holmes, succumbing before the flesh most primitive desire. Who would have thought that" he had a smile on his face when he finally sat on his chair.
Sherlock took the bow and just as he was about to play the first note he stopped mid move and used the tip of it to stroke gently the sole of the woman's foot. Her eyes opened suddenly as she took a harsh breath in and sat up with her hair a mess in front of her face.
"Time" she muttered.
"You have twenty minutes to leave" Sherlock said and then began playing.
The woman sawyed for a few moments, John saw her trying to keep her eyes open but then her body fell back onto the couch and she groaned as she tried to get up again. After multiple failed attempts she gathered the enough strenght to do so, but lacked of coordination. She stumbled with the couch she was laying previously and the knocked her knee with the coffe table making her trip and almost fall. She regained balance to get out of the room eventually, bumping against the walls as she disappeared inside Holme's bedroom.
"Is she on drugs?" Watson asked as he took a newspaper that was in hand reach and started reading.
"No" a deep voice answered him. He was about to ask him if he was sure, how did he know, but then he remembered this was Sherlock Holmes. One can not keep many secrets from him. He let the comment slide.
About fifty minutes later, the girl was running out of the room with a nice black dress and small cherry red heels and lips.
"...indefinite continue progress of events in the past, present and future regarded as a whole" John heard her muttering to herself as she checked her purse before she ran out of the door and down the stairs "Later!" She shouted before closing the door with a slam.
The doctor didn't say anything, but the mysterious woman didn't seem to leave his mind. "Are you sure she's not into drugs?" He asked again as he remembered the words that left her mouth before she left.
Sherlock had started to play a sweet tune the moment she crossed the door and with his eyes still closed he said exasperated, "Time, John. It was time"
John frowned and turned his body to look at the detective more intently, "The hell is that supposed to mean? Time for what?" He asked, the frown now reaching his lips.
Sherlock sighed loudly only to morph into a groan at the end of the exhale, "The word. She was sayin gthe deffinition of the word" The door opened and slammed shoot again, only to allow Mrs. Hudson gentle and small steps to be heard.
"Wohoo" she sang just before entering the room, her eyes landed on John and they practically sparked as her cheeks were adorned with her gentle smile. "John! My dear" she said clapping her hands together and bringing them close to her heart.
Watson's frown was easily replaced with a caring smile and he got up to encounter the elderly woman halfway in an embrace. She squeezed him tight, "Oh, dear. We've missed you so much. How's Mary and the baby? When are you bringing them to visit?"
"They're splendid, thank you. Mary wants to come too, I've been thinking about next week...?" He said still standing close to her.
"Marvellous! Next week would be marvellous" she said with her cheeks tinted with pink happiness. "Oh! And you could meet Phonny as well!!" She looked at Sherlock who was still playing, "Where is she, Sherlock?"
John was confused, "Who is Phonny?" He asked. Then he remembered the name from the phone call he had earlier with Sherlock, "Wait, is she the prostitute?"
Mrs. Hudson gasped loudly, "Prostitude!" She exclaimed alarmed, "Sherlock!" She called the current musician, who ignored her, "Sherlock!" She called again, this time he stopped and looked at them with indiferent eyes.
"Yes?" He said placing his violin again on it's place.
"Did you tell John Phonny is a prostitute?" This time she was angry, Sherlock noted by the way she had stopped blinking and the vein on the left side of her neck was raising.
He arched an eyebrow, "Why would I tell John that?" He said.
"Wait, she is not a prostitute?" John shook his head confused, he pinched the bridge of his nose as he had his eyes closed and said, "You told me-"
"No" Sherlock stated with his imperturbable voice, "You assumed she was one. I just didn't think it had any point to tell you otherwise"
"Why would you think-" The landlady was interrupted by Sherlock's phone ringing.
Sherlock answered, "Yes. Yes. John is here. See you in 20 minutes" he smiled at John.

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