Chapter 3.

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Two months before~~

It had been raining for eight hours straight. Almost as if the fortune was laughing at them.
Panic arose in London, or in those who happened to be putting attention on their surroundings and think a little further than... To think at all.
It had been a week since the first kidnapping, a teacher, disappeared on plain sight in the middle of the day, in the middle of a crowded place. And really, that was what worried the most, in front of a bank, the cameras have him walking on the pavement and then turning a corner he's not there anymore, but a black van is and the teacher is now inside it.
Three days after the police received the call and begun to investigate, a female yogi is taken from a park. The scene recorded by a camera in the window of a tech shop across the street. Panic begins as soon as the news spread. This is not an isolated event.
Finally, from the camera of a tourist, theres a woman walking in front of a perfect view for the photographer of the Big Ben and Westminster Palace. The coffee cup she had in her hand now splattered on the asphalt. No one seems to notice but him, two minutes after his final shot. Five after she was taken.
Of course kidnappings are there all the time, the thing about those is that no demands were done. No one got a call from the kidnapper. This person was doing it for fun. Taking people away on plain sight, in the middle of crowded places right under the sun shining at noon. No patterns either.
Everyone was freaking out. No one knew what to do. Except for one man : Greg Lestrade, he knew who to call.

Sherlock Holmes was Scotland Yard's final recurse, always being called when cases couldn't be solved. It was a game for him, and specially this one he seemed to enjoy. A real mystery.
Two days had "The game been on" and they already had a location, a suspect and soon they would have a guilty man confronting justice.
This time though, he didn't acompany the justice, he had an important event to assist, an event he couldn't turn down. The thing is that no one ever had been able to say no to Violet Holmes.
The theatre. He had to attend to the theatre with his brother and parents, who happened to be in the city for a couple of days. This time it was The phantom of the opera and he coursed the day his parents discovered they liked musicals.
So he didn't go to the arrest, but got a text from Lestrade in the middle of the second act.

-Got him. Everyone's fine. Thank you for your help. I'd like to show you something interesting about the arrest. Come tomorrow if you want to. GL-

That didn't happen very often, Lestrade knew how ordinary he found the world around him and if he though this might interesting it will probably be worth his time.
"Texting about work in a play, little brother? Don't you have any manners?" Mycroft Holmes whispered teasingly right in his ear. Just for his own enjoyment, Mummy didn't have to know.
"At least I have people to text me" he said with an arched eyebrow and the older brother chuckled quietly before tuning back to the play. He actually liked this one.

Morning came and the Holmes were already on their way back home when Sherlock entered Lestrade's office without knocking, as per usual. Two man stood on either side of the DI who smiled at Sherlock.
"Perfect timing. I was about to show these two" he said and one of them went to stand beside his workmate to leave Lestrade's right side for the detective.
"He wasn't aiming for money or anything. After he was "done", he said, with the victims he would send the recording to Sargent Clark as a revenge. Would say this was his fault, he actually said it had been his fault but if we hadn't arrived there probably be corpses in the morgue instead of people in the hospital". He the proceeded to play the video in the computer.
A hand was fixing the focus, everything was dark but a single light besides the camera. It illuminated half of the man's grinning face. He steps aside to do something, assembling some kind of metal device Sherlock conclude's. Behind him are three people sitting on metal chairs, with their hand's tied to the metal bars behind their backs. Their faces are dark, the light doesn't reach them, but the detective thinks they probably had been beaten unconscious.
Just as the man turn's back to the camera to grin darkly and shake his weapon of choice a screech is heard.
It's almost too fast. Too many things happening at the same time.
The middle chair moves back a bit, the person sitting in it places their feet on the floor and with a guttural groan and a loud popping sound their arms are turning from the back of their torso and over their head taking the metal chair with them. The chair seat hits the man directly on the head and he falls to the floor.
The chair hits the floor along with the person's knees, their head is hung and their breathing is harsh. Both arms fall aimlessly on their sides and now that the light is on them you can see their humerus protruding on their shoulders' skin.
A woman. Dark hair covering her face reaching her jaw. There's drops of dry blood right over her sternum. From her nose, the day before she was punched.
A couple of moments pass and nothing happens. The other two are awake, they looked up when the commotion took place but none of them moves.
She breaths a little more regularly now. After a few deeper breaths she moves her arms back in a violent move that tears a scream from her throat, it turns into a whimper and then sobs are heard, they're synchronised with the shaking of her body. Ten breaths after, Sherlock counted, she starts moving again. She's checking the man's pockets, on the breast one she finds some keys and uses them to free her hands. Takes the chair she was sitting on and places the legs on either side of the man's neck and under his armpits. He will get up, the detective thinks, she then moves out of sight only to reappear with a heavy metal box, presumably containing the kidnapper's utensils and places it on top of the chair with a huff. Smart girl. She places what is in reach on top, Sherlock knows she knows what she's doing, the things wont fall as easily if he wakes up and tries to move.
She goes to the other two and frees them.
"We have to get out of here" she says, "C'mon, help him stand" she tells the other woman, she's crying.
Sherlock freezes. It can't be. That voice. No.
She takes the man's other arm and they help him stand, his ankle seems broken.
For a brief moment the light reaches her face. A fraction of a second. But it is enough.
"We found them half way out of the building. She saved their lives. I had never seen someone do that, let alone put the junctions back in place by their own. It was just..."
"Impressive" one of the police man said and the other two nodded, but not Sherlock.
"They're now at St. Patrick's hospital. No major injuries, the man had a fractured ankle but he'll be fine. Nothing more than some cuts and bruises" Lestrade told them and before he knew it Sherlock was already leaving. 
None of them thought much about it, he was like that sometimes. Greg smiled to himself, he surely found it interesting enough to watch the whole video but not enough to stay and talk about it after.


Leave some comments please!! I'd love some feedback!

All the love, X

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