Chapter 4

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"Persephone Jones" he said to the receptionist. His breathing was irregular and his curly raven hair resembled the bird's nest.

The woman behind the computer looked at him over her glasses, "Excuse me?" she said with a monotone voice making Sherlock want to slam her stupid face against the table.

"I've been told Persephone Jones was brought here. I want to see her" he told her as he looked inside his coat pocket to get his wallet.

"We all want things don't we, young man?" she said and typed a few things on the computer with a sigh, "I'm going to need-"

Sherlock was already handing her his ID, and she just stared at him, "I really would appreciate if you could fasten this procedure" he told said.

She then gave him a sly smile, "Girlfriend, then" she commented as she typed some more and then read, "Fifth floor. Room three three one"

Sherlock as off as soon as the last word left her lips, he fastened his ID into his breast pocket and ran through the hallway.

Lift. No, too slow. Stairs to the right. No, personal used it, too many people. Right hallway, emergency stairs. Perfect.

He took the right turn and then opened the door for the stairs taking two at the time. Fifth floor, door on the left.

The bright lightning of the hallway met Sherlock's eyes without even making him blink. He walked swiftly trough the people, chairs and plants. His coat was unbuttoned and it floated full of a natural grace behind him.

331 read the numbers painted on the grey door. Sherlock stopped to take a breath and laced his hand on the knob, turning it before he could think twice about it.

He opened the door cautiously, soundless. The TV was on, the volume down. It smelled like sanitizer and there was the constant beeping of the heart monitor.

A bed in the middle, her hair fell on the pillow and her shoulders, it was clean now. Her lip had a cut on the left side, the criminal was right handed, Sherlock couldn't help to observe. Right under it a huge bruise covered her jaw. Her nose didn't have a bandage there, the blood on her sternum from the video, it was from her lip.

You also do it when you're nervous. Stop.

It keeps my mind on focus.

His hands had a minimal tremor. He closed his fists. She was sleeping. Her eyes were closed, right one with a bruise lighter than the one on her jaw, she was hit there first.

Her frame was so small. Tiny on the hospital bed. She looked so frail. She had never looked so frail.

Sherlock felt a tugging on his cardias. His cardias had always been her place in his body. The one where he felt her. The one where he made him feel.

He stood beside her. Just staring at her. She was here.

He didn't know how long he had been standing there. He didn't care. And then she was awake.

Her eyes opened slowly and took her surroundings in, she remembered where she was and then calmly closed them again. Then Sherlock saw her nostrils flare slightly. She knew. Her breathing stopped for a few beats and then her eyes opened again.

Dark brown, big orbs, long lashes, directly on him. Neither of them said anything. She used her pointer finger to press a button on the controller she held on her hand and the bed moved to sit her up.

She rested her hands on her lap and stared up at him. Her eyes gave the tiniest of the twitches. No glasses, no contacts either, she hasn't had surgery. She couldn't see him. But she knew.

Flowers from the past {SherlockxOC}Where stories live. Discover now