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"Don't, Harry! I'm tired of this!"

"But it was one mistake!"

"Our relationchip was a mistake."

"How can you say that? What about all our memories together? Dosen't i mean anything to you?"

"All our memories are sad ones, Harry. I always end up getting hurt."

"Please don't let go. Hold on for the memories!"

"I try, but there is nothing left."

"What have happened to us?"

"I don't know. I think we're both in love with all our memories and our history."

"Maybe our relationchip was supposed to end like this."

Harry had a perfect relationchip until everything was changed into fights and countless of night with faint crying from the guest room. How did all this happen? The only reason they hold on was  beacuse of the memories, but would that be enough for a relationchip to hold? Would the relationchip be able to fix?

The only thing Harry know is that he would hold on to the relationchip and never let go of the memories. But would she do the same?


Harry Styles as Harry Styles
Alexandra Daddario as Nathalie Williamson
Louis Tomlinson
MadelenHansen  as Madelen Luciani
Niall Horan
Liam Payne
Michael Clifford
Luke Hemmings
Ashton Irwin
Calum Hood

About the characters:
How they act, a little about them and how they will look in the book/ age NB! they can look like they do now (2016) but can be like 19.
Harry Styles (18): brown curly hair, green eyes, dimpeles, tall. A teenager that deals with personal problems and are pretty much mean to people -mostly girls- that reminds him off his past. But to the people he knows he would be the nicest person. And he's a god person nonthless, even if he can be mean, but it's just to protect himself and keep his walls up.

Nathalie Williamson(17-soon 18): dirty blonde hair, a little curly, (if that makes sense, or really dark blonde), green eyes, in between tall and short, small dimples. A teenager shy, but outgoing. Smiles and laughs a lot and are positive to everything, but can quickly change mood to sad, angry ect. and would then get really negative, depressed. Keeps to herself and don't like to talk about her feelings to other people, even if it's friends. Can be mean without thinking much about it, sometimes not even being mean on purpose.

Louis Tomlinson(19): blue eyes, brown hair, a little short to his age, cutest smile ever. Content with life, a happy, bubbly and funny guy. Are positive to mostly anything, sassy, but for fun mostly. Has a girlfriend. He is one to tust and talk to about everything, but can be a little too caught up with his girlfriend, but would try to be there for you.

Madelen Luciani (19): dark brown curly hair, a mix with green and brown eyes, a little short, adorable. Louis' girlfriend. She's always happy and tried to be there for everyone at everytime. Loyal and will always listen and is just a good person in general and wants to be friends eith everyone. She would give everyone a chance and won't jugde no matter what.

Niall Horan (18): Funny, laid back guy who will laugh at everything and finds everything amusing. Everything. Blue eyes, blonde and irish and proud. A good friend and is always up for anything, loves food. Nandos is his future wife. He willbe there no matter what. Single, but would date a little

Liam Payne (18): brown hair, brown eyes, tall. Nice and respect literally everyone. Can be intimating, but would mever hurt anyone on prupose except if it is to protect someone he loves. Single, not really looking for anyone.

Michael Clifford (19): always colors his hair, green eyes, pierced eyebrow and ears, , a little tall. Looks like a punk and intimating. Don't have anything aginst being called punk, but is a really nice guy once ypu get to know him. Keeps to gimself, and outgoing, but not really shy, except if it's with people his uncomtrable with. A good friend, would always listen, honest and would never abonden you.

Luke Hemmings (18-19): Blonde, TALL, pierced lip. Is gay, but haven't came out to others than his friends. Dates Ashton. Looks like a typical dumb blonde jock who is cocky and a player. In reality his a clumsy funny guy, who plays guitar and likes to sing.

Ashton Irwin (17-18): Gay, dates Luke. Is blonde, brown eyes, and sometimes glasses. Likes to wear sweaters. Is kinda shy and adorable, but would still be outgoing and funne. Has the BEST LAUGH EVER, and he has like 10 different laughs and giggles. He is probably the sweetest guy on earth and would never hurt a fly. He would never do anything bad or anything to make people sad or hurt. He will always help and make people laugh.

Calum Hood (18-19): Black hair, brown eyes. A nice guy who can be mean without knowing it, like if he's trying to understamd something he can be a little mean about a topic. Can look intimating, but are a good and funny guy. Plays guitar and sings a little to. 

A little bit about the story:
This story is copyrighted and can not be copied or transelated unless I give someone permission of doing so. The content is for around 12-15/16 years? At least not under 12. It can be some joking with sexual content (barely), but nothing sexual. Don't share this story on social media without my permission. This is an english and better version of another book of mine called Help me out which is on norwegian.

It will be a gay couple in this book, so if your not okay with it then you should not read! It would not be anything sexual with the gay couple, just kissing and a non-sexual conversation. And please don't send any form for hate towards the couple, the comments will be deleted. Any hate or mean comments in genneral that can offend people will be deleted.
Nothing in this book is meant to offend anyone! It will be homophobia and mean people, but everything said that's homphobic or mean is not my thoughts or my opinion , I just want it to be realistic, and the world isn't all good with flowers and unicorns. So if you know that mean comments will get to you even if it's not meant to offend you, then again, do not read this story.

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