:Chapter 28:

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I pushed through the branches that were covering the path. Dalton was right behind me. "How far?" Dalton asked. I looked down at my iPhone. "Not far." I answered taking out my dagger. With that I began hacking at any branch that got in my way.

Dalton pushed aside my hacked branches. "Isabella!" Lucas yelled. I began running in his direction. I came into the opening and covered my mouth. Dalton practically ran into me. "I think I'm gonna throw up." Dalton said.

Bodies were strewn across trees. All typed of organs were hanging from places. Blood was everywhere. Lucas was standing next to a hunter officer. I could tell because there was an a large H on his police jacket.

Lucas walked over to me. "What do you think did this?" I asked holding my lunch in. "Something demonic, there was a recent demon activity and a little 'note' nearby." Lucas said. "Show me." I said. Dalton was talking with the investigators and police with Derik. 'Satan you there?' 'Yes what is it that you need?' 'Demons that weren't in hell.' 'I'll have someone send files.'

Lucas began leading me somewhere else. We arrived at a tree. "Where is the note?" I asked looking around. "Climb up the tree." Lucas said. I sighed as I grabbed one branch and began climbing up the tree. "How far up?" I asked. "Just a few more branches." Lucas said.

I sighed as I pushed myself up. I hated climbing. It sucks. When my parents home-schooled me I always failed the climbing part of gym. This is my first time ever being in a real school. With that I grabbed the last branch and boosted myself up. Lucas sat beside me. "Where's the note?" I asked.

"Look at the scene." Lucas said. I sighed but looked forward. I could see everyone down there. My brothers were next to a police. Dalton was talking to one. Derik was taking photos with a hunter. "Where?" I asked confused.

"Look at the blood and organs." Lucas said. I looked forward slightly bored. No fucking way. I tried not to throw up again. The blood and organs spelt something. I'm coming for you. "Who would do that?" I asked horrified. I've seen gruesome murders and everything but a message like that.

"I don't know but whoever it is defiantly doesn't care about humans." Lucas said. "Let's go home, Ferrell and Magenta should be bringing some files over." I said as I began climbing down. "We taking anyone with?" Lucas said. "Only my brothers but I don't want them near us when reading the files." I said dropping to the ground.

"Ok." Lucas said. With that Lucas began leading us back to the crime scene. "Ryne, Enyr, let's go." I said. Ryne looked at me and nodded. Lucas lead us back to the SUV. "Isabella do you have any idea what happened?" Enyr asked as we got in the SUV. "Nope, I'm just as clueless as you." I said angrily.

I swear when I find that demon they better run. 'Some demons are incapable of running.' There goes Satan with his smart remarks. Satan chuckled before his presence left. "Are you guys doing anything to find out about it?" Ryne asked. "Yes, we're having files sent," I started. "You are not to look at them." I finished giving them a stern look.

Ryne and Enyr both rolled their eyes. "What do we do then?" Enyr asked quietly. "Search through hunter records, find anything demon related." I said. "How do we do that, the closest base is New York City?" Ryne asked. We had gone to that base a few months ago.

"Login into the website with Lucas's ID and search for anything demonic." I said as I grabbed Lucas's wallet. "Why my ID?" Lucas asked. "Because they'll get suspicious if it was Ryne, Enyr or me." I said. Lucas nodded. "There's someone if headquarters working against us and I don't want them on our track." I said.

"How do you know this?" Lucas asked as he pulled up in front of my house. "Because, the hybrids could of attacked me on any job, but I never gave out info on where I was only Victor knew where I was and Victor would never betray us, this mission was known through headquarters." I said opening my door.

"Do you have any guess on who it is?" Enyr asked. "Nope but I'm gonna find out, I'm gonna be making lots of phone calls in a week." I said. Magenta and Ferrell came into my eye sight. In their hands we folders filled with papers. "We're gonna go look up some stuff, by the way thanks for the laptops." Ryne said as he began dragging Enyr into the house.

"Izzy, Luke." Magenta said in a singsong voice. Ferrell sighed at his fiancée. "We brought the files Satan said you wanted, there full of demons that were summoned, demons that were sent to collect souls and all that other good stuff." Magenta said as she pushed her purple hair aside. Lucas nodded as we began taking files.

"Call us if you need anything." Magenta said with a smile. "But not at the crack of dawn." Ferrell said looking at me. I laughed nervously. I might of done that cause of a storm. I thought someone was outside of my house but it turned out to be just thunder. "Ok, ok, we're gonna go look over these now." I said pointing to the house.

Magenta and Ferrell nodded. Then they disappeared with a flash of green and purple flames. I looked at the files. There were tons of papers. How many demons do people have to summon? "Ah, we have a long night ahead of us." Lucas said as we walked into my house. "You think?"
"Found something." Lucas said happily. "What?" I asked closing the files. "A demon sent some type of Hound of Hell out." Lucas said sending me a file. The file didn't say what type of hound or it's name but it had the name of the demon. Xudun, a hound of hell tamer. Tamers were demons created from fire of hounds of hell. The name was actually ironic. The hound of hell tames the tamer. There aren't many tamers.

Hounds don't really like tamers. Tamers are sorta cocky. But some are nice. I know one. She is an alright person. "Looks like we have a lead." I said looking at Lucas. Lucas nodded as a small smile lit his face. "Are we gonna summon him?" Lucas asked.

"Of course, a demon killed ten people who were human." I said clenching my fist in anger. "Where are we going to summon him?" Lucas asked. "There's a room in my basement perfect for it." I said. "What are we gonna use?" Lucas said. "Weapons but put symbols on them for the demon can't do harm to anything." I said.

Lucas nodded. "Now I believe there is a demon waiting to be summoned." I said.

1168 words. Bam! So yes I spiced the story up. Trying to make it interesting. So does anyone have any predictions on who the murder is. Who is double crossing the organization. Mm, there are tons of unanswered questions that will be revealed throughout this book. Until next time my strawberry marshmallows....

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