:Chapter 42:

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Vee had run into a room. Coward. Cocking my guns I walked over to the door. I stood against the side. I felt like a cop trying to catch a bad guy. Except I barely had any defense. No bullet proof vests, no back-ups or miracles like in books and on T.V. I was relying on my guns and wit. Nothing else. Not even Satan since I couldn't reach him. If I could, oh would it be on.

Whirling around I kicked the door open. Vee stood there with a smirk. I was confused. Why wasn't she attacking me. The door slammed shut and suddenly I was tackled by a giant black dog. It bit down onto my shoulder. Screams were dying to come out of me. Lifting my hand up I shot the dog right in the stomach.

"You know when you took all my puppies?" Vee asked. "The black German Shepard one was a disguised hellhound," Vee started as she pointed at the dog which was a German Shepard. "That gave me the perfect opportunity to get your location and activities." Vee said. "Yeah and I know your activities." I said.

Vee tilted her head in confusion. "Wh-" I cut Vee off. Pushing myself up I fired off four rounds at her. Each one buried in her shoulder and one in her stomach. Vee looked up at me her eyes purple. Oh. I pissed off the big ol' bad Helkin. Yeah I'm not scared of this southern girl. I was raised with shoot first ask questions later. "Getting shot!" I yelled.

"The first wanted you not hurt but he can deal with some wounds." Vee said. Vee's hellhound pushed itself up and snarled at me. Vee looked at me with a smirk. "I know you, you never really interacted with hellhounds you preferred hellions." Vee said. "Now I'm gonna make you regret not learning about all the Hounds of Hell." Vee said.

"Attack her." Ve said to the hellhound. I looked at the hellhound. The hellhound sprinted to me and jumped up and collided with my body. We both went rolling to the ground his claws trying to dance. Lifting up the gun I shot the hellhound right in the stomach. It let out a ear piercing howl. Pushing it off of me I stood up and looked at Vee.

"Your right I never studied hellhounds but I did fight Gavial, an ancient hellhound, and I won." I said as coked my gun. Vee roared at me. "I'm a Helkin you have no idea how to fight me." Vee said. "Well the organization did always say I was a quick learner." I replied. Vee's face teared apart and the folds flared as the flower thing appeared.

Remember don't let the flower touch you. I grabbed my other pistol and began shooting at her. Vee walked towards me. Every time a bullet landed in her, the limb flew back. I was going to kill her. She'd regret messing with me and my friends. I was gonna send her back to whoever the first one was and give him a message.

"The power of the first is with me!" Vee yelled. I looked at the clock on the wall. Then the minute hand struck twelve. A loud ringing went through the hallway. Vee looked at me. Red began lacing through her eyes. "You are nothing but a mere mortal, surrender and it won't hurt as much." Vee commanded. "I don't know what surrendering is." I replied.

Lifting my guns I began firing. Vee ran at me and grabbed my arm and twisted them up causing me to fire at the ceiling. Dropping one gun I grabbed her shoulder and kneed her hard in the stomach. Vee coughed and stumbled away from me. Dropping to the ground I grabbed my gun and fired two shots into each of Vee's legs.

Vee roared in pain and had to grab the wall to not fall. "And who is the one with the firsts strength?" I asked my lips curling into the beginnings of a smirk. Vee looked at me and growled. "I'll kill you when the first is done with you." Vee growled. Just then there was a loud smashing sound as someone burst through the ceiling.

My breath got uneven when I saw who it was. Storm. "Not if I kill you first." Storm said. Just as I was about to do something but Storm pushed me back. I fell into the ground and collided with the wall. Storm looked like my Dad but older. Storm began shifting. His skin teared off revealing fur and his height increased.

Soon instead of my psycho uncle stood a psycho Lycan. But why was he helping me? Didn't he think I was imposing as myself which makes no since. Vee snarled at him. Storm simply growled back. Then Vee shifted. The giant purple wolf appeared again. Vee threw herself at Storm in a rage. Both of them collided and they began attacking each other with deadly claws and fangs.

"Don't let the flower touch you!" I yelled. Storm whirled around and ripped the flower piece right out of her mouth and spit it to the ground. Vee howled in agony as blood gushed from her mouth. Serves the bitch right. Storm grabbed Vee's form and threw her into the wall. I guess having the use of thumbs when like that works a lot. Picking up my gun I fired a shot into her stomach again.

Vee pushed herself up and launched herself at Storm again. All I heard was a sickening crack as Vee grabbed Storm's neck. I swear at the moment all I saw was blue. Which confused me. I thought it was suppose to be red. But no everything turned blue except for the hellhound and Vee who turned red. These were the colors of Satan.

"I have the power of the first!" Vee yelled as she shifted back. Storm was on the ground. He was still breathing. But I'm not sure for how long. Pushing myself up I stumbled over to Vee. Vee looked at me with a smirk. "I told you I'll kill the ones you love." Vee taunted. I'm not sure what happened but suddenly Vee was engulfed by blue flames.

Something inside of me just snapped. Remembering Orchid bruised and beaten. Dalton limping so badly. Andrew broken without Orchid. Storm on the verge of death. It just sparked the match. I screamed and began firing shoots till clicks answered me. I grabbed my dagger and collided into her pushing her away from Storm. "You won't kill me." Vee said. The flames weren't bothering me.

I screamed. Then I began stabbing her with the dagger. The flames had died out and now I was on top of her stabbing her. The door was busted down and SWAT agents and HO agents flooded in. Some went to Storm. "He's still breathing, get him out of here!" A Ho agent yelled. A SWAT agent walked towards me.

"Is this the Helkin?" She asked kneeling next to me. I nodded. "Is she dangerous or armed?" She asked. "Dangerous yes, armed not really." I answered as I got off of her. Storm was rushed out almost immediately. My eyes shifted to Vee. The SWAT agent pointed her gun at Vee as she was restrained with demon handcuffs and lugged out. I hope she dies on the way out.

A Ho agent pushed their way towards me. Victor. "You alright?" Victor asked. "Just snapped for a moment." I said. "Don't worry its a normal thing, some things just set people off." Victor said tapping my shoulder. "Thought I should tell you." Victor said. "What?" I asked. "Two things, the two werewolves are being locked up and so is Layla," Victor started.

"And the last thing?" I asked. "Well I'm staying here to keep on eye on you five hunters to make sure nothing to bad happens." Victor said looking at me intensely. "I rented out my own apartment for you and your brothers won't have to worry since their older enough to be your guardian, but I live close to your house." Victor explained.

"Is your wife gonna be there?" I asked. Victor had a lovely wife. She'd make a perfect wife one day. "Nope, Samantha is hunting down a chupacabra in Puerto Rico." Victor said. Chupacabra were nasty creatures. One of the last things I'd want to encounter.

"Now I believe you have friends waiting for you to come back alive." Victor said. Probably. "Ok, lead me to them, I believe there probably worried sick since I just fought a very powerful hound of hell." I said. "Yeah, next time think and have a strategy." Victor said as we walked out.

1452. So... My face is completely blank. I almost killed Storm. The power I have been bestowed with! But Storm is on the way to a supernatural hospital and so is Dalton. Isabella beat up Vee and sorta went crazy for a moment. Until next time my fighting marshmallows.

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