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a knock on the door.

it nearly wasn't heard over the sounds of yoongi and hoseok screaming as they battled each other in their underwear and blanket capes, attempting to stab each other with sticks of baguettes. yura was happily plopped up on the sofa surrounded by pillows whilst clapping furiously.

hoseok was screaming his head off as yoongi was chuckling that signature laugh accompanied with that gummy smile of his which yura hadn't had the pleasure of witnessing too often. yura was laughing too and it added to the feeling of complete content that hoseok, and yoongi, were feeling.

another knock on the door.

yura managed to hear it this time as the dull sound managed to tear itself through hoseok's shrieks. she stopped clapping momentarily and attempted to get up from her place on the sofa, failing miserably in doing so. for one moment, yura forgot the reason why she was there with hoseok and yoongi in the first place.

she frowned and placed a hand on her stomach which was getting bigger and bigger by the day it seemed. she was wearing one of hoseok's over-sized sweaters as she had limited clothing that actually fitted her. she didn't come to hoseok with much, in fact, if she remembers correctly.

"guys, there's someone at the door so quiet the fuck down please and answer."

yoongi and hoseok stopped battling each other, ripping their gazes off of each other and set their attention on yura.

"i'll answer it dearest,"

hoseok said, bowing somewhat gracefully in front of yura before skipping off to the front door, although careful to not slip in his socks on the hard wood flooring.

using way to much force, hoseok opened the door with a bright smile on his face until he saw who on the other side. a woman who appearing to be her late 50's with harsh wrinkles lining her face and a stone-like facial expression faced him, greeting him with nothing more than a grunt and a slow look over.

"are you, um, mr jung by any chance?"

she asked, bowing her head slightly in greeting as hoseok quickly fumbled at his blanket cape to cover himself.

"yes yes that is i. and you must be—"

"yura's mother, yes yes. however you may call me mrs bang. now, where is she?"

hoseok quite simply nodded and gestured for her to enter, keeping his gaze off her as she did so.

thankfully yoongi had put on a pair of sweats before hoseok and mrs bang had come back, though he still had his cape on and baguette in hand, as did yura.

they were both laughing as yura pretended to stab yoongi in the stomach, causing him to dramatically fall to the ground and crying out. mrs bang watched with distaste as she entered and hoseok with an expression of horror. it didn't take long for the two to notice the added company.


yura said, her laughs dying down as she spotted her mother in the entrance of the room.

"weren't you supposed to visit on thursday?"

"so you could have enough time to pretend that you had your life in check before i arrived? i would think not."

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