Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

“Bark! Bark, bark!” Yoshiko said, barking around the room. You opened your eyes. Another morning, another day in Namimori. You sat up on your bed, and your feet was greeted with Yoshiko’s little teeth.

“Owch! Yoshiko, what’s gotten into you?” You said, pulling your feet back on the bed. He kept scratching the door like he wanted to get out. “Just let me shower, and then you can go out, okay?” You quickly went to the bathroom and had a shower.

When you got out, Yoshiko was still waiting patiently behind the door. Finally, you got dressed for school and opened the door. Yoshiko quickly ran out of the room. He went down the stairs and into the living room, where he was greeted by a very surprised “Whoa!”

“(First Name)-chan! You finally woke up. You’ve got a guest down here!”

“Coming, Mom!” You quickly went downstairs to see your guest. To your surprise, it was Yamamoto. “Yo, (First Name)-chan! Good morning!”  

“Yamamoto? What are you doing here? I thought you go to Sawada-san’s house every morning?”

“Yeah, well, Gokudera seems happy that I don’t come with the two of them. I didn’t know you had a dog, (First Name)-chan!” He said, holding Yoshiko up. “What’s his name?”

“Oh, his name’s Yoshiko.” You said as you headed towards the table. “Breakfast?” You offered him. “Nah, I just ate on the way here.” Yamamoto replied. While you ate, you watched as Yamamoto cuddled Yoshiko, like the dog was a baby. Finally, you finished your breakfast and stood up.

“Alright, that’s enough cuddling with the dog for a day. Now, c’mon, Yamamoto.” You said as you grabbed your bag and the metal pole from yesterday. Yamamoto returned Yoshiko to the floor and followed you outside. “Uh, (First Name)-chan, are you sure you’re going to bring that metal pole to school?”

“Of course. You can never be too careful.”

The walk to school was awkwardly quiet. Ever since people called the two of you a couple, like your mother and Yamamoto’s dad, you were kind of shy around him. Yamamoto, of course, was his usual easy-going self.

Finally, you arrived at Nami-Middle. A lot of people were still outside, since it was still early. Which meant, a lot of girls saw the two of you coming to school together.

“Hey, look, she’s with Yamamoto-kun again!”

“Oh, have you heard? Yamamoto-kun let her eat at their restaurant for free!”

“Really? Are they a couple now?”

There were a lot more comment flying around, but that’s when you and Yamamoto went to your lockers. Since his was at the boy’s section (Of course), you parted away from him and proceeded to your locker. Beside it, there was Kyoko, also getting her things.

“Good morning, Kyoko-chan!”

“Ah, good morning, (First Name)-chan! By the way…” She closed her locker and looked at you very seriously. “Can I talk to you?” Wondering what it would be, you replied, “Ah, okay, sure…”

She pulled you out of the school and the two of you went to the back of Nami-Middle. “(First Name)-chan,” Kyoko said seriously. “You know that I worry about my friends very much, right?”

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Drabble Collection: Yamamoto Takeshi [ Discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now