That's my Sister! |Part One|

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•In which one of Rydels brother hooks up with Ellington's sister |AU| •


As my wedding approaches,all the family members are popping up everywhere.

Since I have more time and my job is kind of more independent than Ellingtons,I came first to the camp house we are getting married.

Ellington's sister,Stella came all her way from New York so she could be with me during this week.She is an angel,I swear.

'What's up,sissy?' Stella asks sitting down next to me in the coach.

'I'm publishing a post in blog...And I need to send these to my boss.' I explain pointing to the computer screen.

I'm a fashion editor on a magazine.I might be the editor but I have to send all I write and approve to my boss so they can put up in the mag.

'You should just stop working...your wedding is in two days and my brother is arriving tomorrow.' She says and I smile at her.

'This is the last post then I'm done until after the honeymoon.' I say and she gives me a look.

'You're probably making a blog post about the wedding and the honeymoon.' Stella says giving me a serious look.

I look at her and she gives me a look.I am actually doing that but Ellington is not gonna bother.I am sure he is used to that by now.

I observe her and notice a hickey on her neck.

'Stella,is that a hickey?' I ask and she does a 'I got caught' face.

'No! I felt!' She exclaims and I raise my eyebrows.

'On your neck? It didn't break?' I sassy her.She laughs and gives me a silly smile.

'Who it was,babe?' I ask her and she smiles at me.

'Some guy at the club.' She answers me getting up.

Stella is running from the question.Ellingtons sister is a copy of him but a girl expect for one thing.Stella doesn't talk about her relationships.She is really private in that sense.

But I know for sure that hickey came from a boy we know.Last night in the club there were only friends and family.Impossible for it to have been someone else.

When my fiancé arrives later that day,I'm the first to get up and run to him.Him and Rocky stayed behind due work.Producing tires you sometimes.

'Hey,angel.' He says hugging me tightly.I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek.

'Hey,honey.' I say giving him a smile.I am so happy to be reunited with him again.

'Ohh,would you two stop?' Stella says pushing me away from Ellington and giving him a tight hug.

'Hi,sista!' Ellington says and I smile at their sibling bond.

'What happened to your neck?' Ellington asks and I put my arm around his neck.

'I felt.' Stella says blushing.

'On who's mouth?' Ellington asks and his older sister only blushes more.

'A dude at the club last night.' I answer and Stella gives me a look.

'Must be some serious talented dude.' Ryland says getting in the conversation.I can see the naughty look on his face.

'Some serious ridiculous unlimited dude.' Stella states at Ryland before walking away pushing her brother along.

'Don't even think,Ryland.' I say seriously.

Collection of Rydellington One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora