Secret Garden (OVA)

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"Carla! Happy! Slow down we can't keep up!" You push past the shrubs and bushes. You dragged all of your friends that you don't hang out with as much anymore, as like a little secret.

Lisanna tripped on a rock and Bixlow had to catch her at the last moment. It was kind of cute, but Asuka seemed annoyed.

She was in her early twenties and alone, as far as you knew. Bisca and Alzack were ahead of you, actually trying to get to where the exceeds were taking you all.

Cana was slung over your shoulder because she had gone back to drinking. Though in all honesty, she should stop because it's been 14 years since any of us have seen Guildarts.

"Where'd Ever and Elf go?" Lisanna asked you looking around. You shrugged.

"Beats me. Their loss." You grabbed her hand and hauled her and Cana up the hill.

"Hurry you guys!" Happy said hover above your heads.

"Yes, yes, we're coming. We aren't as young as we used to be."

"But we aren't as old either." Romeo said lovingly holding Wendy's hand. You smiled and nodded. 'Speak for yourself.'

When you reached the top of the hill, you looked back and you could see Magnolia in the distance beyond the forest. A gate stood infront of you and the exceeds flew over and unlocked it from the other side.

"Oh my god..." Cana stood on her own and gasped. It was a garden with trimmed bushes and beautiful flowers in every color.

"Wow!" You ran in and ran your fingers through the water in a pond that was perfectly clear, and had no leaves or land life in it.

"When did you find this?" Wendy looked up at Carla.

"A month ago. We kept coming here everyday to see if it would disappear or if something would happen, but it stayed so we brought you guys here!" Happy explained.

Evergreen and Elfman came tumbling in followed by Levy who was out of breath. "Sorry! We got lost..." She planted.

Ever and Elfman stared at the garden in awe too, and they went to explore as Levy planted herself next to you and Lisanna.

"So is this like our little secret now?" Asuka finally smiled and leaned on her mother.

"I guess so." Alzack laughed.

"Pretty..." Romeo found a light blue flower and picked it from the stem, and stuck it in Wendy's short dark blue hair.

Bixlow wasn't very amused, until Lisanna placed a flower crown on his head, which everyone— including Bixlow— giggled at.

You had remembered that Lisanna was 7 months along now and the anticipation was killing you.

"Found you!" Mirajane huffed. She must have followed you all up here.

"You didn't bring anyone else did you?" Levy asked trying to peek behind her.

Mira smiled and shook her head, closing the gates behind her. "No, I checked. I was just wondering where you all were going without telling me."

"Sorry Mira." Elfman came back around.

"Oh right!" You place your fist in your open palm. "Wendy, when's the wedding?" You ask.

Asuka nodded and skipped over to the bluenette and stared at her intently.

Everyone else was looking for an answer too, and Wendy just blurted out. "In a week!"

"Yay!" Cana cheered and raised her bottle and the rest of you cheered as well. Levy grabbed your arm and laughed with you, and suddenly you had a stronger bond with your family.

A/N: Cute no?

Carla: Thanks for adding me and Happy!

A/N: Hai!!!!

Morgan: I'm so excited!

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