The Hand Fic (Part 2)

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(A/N - I understand I insisted on never making another chapter but here I am so be happy...)

Credit to idabandsnshiz for the challenge Dan and Phil were put through... her weirdness comes in handyyyy

Time had passed and Dan and Phil began to realise something.. they didn't control their new hands. The four sets of hands were controlled by the original owners. Dan and Phil hadn't made videos in months, and the phandom had thought they quit.

Dan and Phil wanted so make new videos, but they honestly couldn't. They didn't want anyone knowing about the hand switch. It had to be their secret, they couldn't tell anyone.

Dan and Phil were pretty much going to risk anything just to get their hands back. They had searched London multiple times, but the girls were no where to be found.

They dialled Chris with their toes to ask if there was anything to do. Chris said he knew of only one option, and he would be on his way. Soon, Chris arrived at the door, alone.

"Hey Chris, where's Peej," Dan asked. "Not important right now, he doesn't need to be here for this," Chris scoffed. Chris was being very picky, he kept saying no one could know what was about to happen, we had to keep this a secret, etc.

Chris grabbed their phone book and began flipping to the Ts. He placed his hand on a contact 'Tyrone H. And' he then called the number by the side. "Yeah," Chris nodded, "no, we just need you to help." Chris began looking around. "Okay, we will explain when you get here, thanks," Chris said as he ended the call.

"Who was that," Dan questioned. Chris then glared and shook his head and there was a loud band on the door. Phil went to open it then realised he couldn't.

Chris opened the door and in walked a giant man in a hand suit. No.. He was a giant hand. Phil furrowed his eye brows and kept his attention on his shoe laces.

"I have come to fix your hands," the giant when said with a booming voice. Dan and Phil jumped at the noise that escaped the hand. The hands voice really came from no where, it was a mystery do to the fact that hands don't have mouths.

Dan and Phil welcomed the hand in then he rested on their couch. "What would you like me to do," the hand asked. Dan and Phil explained the story about Liv and Amira and how they took their hands. The hand moved his fingers indicating he was listening.

"Okay," the hand said, "I am the hand got I have control over all hands, I can help you." Dan squealed, "Thank you sir w-" Dan was then cut off by the hands booming voice, "On one condition." Dan bit his lip looking towards Phil.

"One condition," Phil questioned. The hand then continued, "you must first rip off the new hands, then I will give you temporary hands that can do nothing but pick up the other hands, with those hands you must jerk each other off while holding the ripped ones, then after you must eat them, then I would love to restore your hands."

Dan and Phil looked around and then Phil placed his hand on Dan's knee, which began to flip around. "Are you willing to do this to get back our hands," Phil asked as Dan slowly nodded.

"Good," the hand god nodded as he watched them. "Go on do your thing," his voice boomed. Dan then pulled at his wrists and one of his sockets popped out. Dan bit his wrist and ripped off his hand, doing the same to the other.

Phil started banging his hand on the table but he couldn't do it himself. "Excuse me," Dan said, " am I allowed to help out Phil?" The hand god scoffed then sighed, "I suppose," he retorted.

Dan used his new temporary hands to scratch at Phil's wrist. He dug and dug until finally he found bone. Phil squeaked at the sight and quickly looked away. Dan bent back his wrist and popped off the hand setting it on the counter. Soon, he got off Phil's other hand and it was time for step two.

Dan and Phil stepped out of their pants and boxers, grabbing the hands they had ripped off. Phil pushed Dan down onto the chair running the hand up and down his member. Dan was quite grossed out but let out a small moan. Phil began stoking fast and faster until the hand whacked one of his fingers onto the coffee table, "enough! You aren't supposed to be enjoying this! Next step or else the deal is off."

Dan took his old hands and began to nibble at the fingers. Much to his surprise it tasted well, he ate all of it, except the bones. He ate the whole next hand then looked up to see Phil had done the same.

"The bones too," the hand god boomed. Dan slowly began munching at the bones. It took a lot but he bit hard enough and ate it fine. Phil on the other hand didn't, he could never bite hard enough. Phil began gnawing at the bones, unable to bite through them.

Phil finally took a full bite as Dan finished both of his. Dan took Phil's other hand to do him a favour. Dan and Phil had both finished at the same time, then looked up to see the god.

"You may have your hands back now, you are worthy," the hand god said proudly as the temporary hands began to settle and look more realistic. The hand god then disappeared.

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