Adopted By Pierce The Veil

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~Ash's P.O.V~

"Wake up!"

I bolt up when I feel Chris land on me.

"Seriously?! wheres the god damn fire Chris?" I scream pushing my foster brother off of me

"Thats not fire you feel its my sexyness radiating off my body." He jokes

"Get over yourself. So why you waking me up?"

"Wendy said to get ready because a couple is coming to met you in an hour." He called over his shoulder as he walked out.

What? Thats a HUGE shock couples never come to see me either because im either too old or my story is just too messed up.

But there it was the words ive been waiting to hear someone finally wants me! or is considering wanting me.

I jump out of bed deciding it would be best to show them the real me. I run to my closet and grab a pair of light jeans and a regular tee shirt then go to the bathroom to shower.

When Im done I tease my long Blue hair. Throwing on my Vans I relize Its really cold Im done putting on my Of mice and men sweater just in time to hear Wendy , My foster mom yell my name.


"Coming!" I scream back as I rush down the stairs

I see her sitting in the living with two guys, Wait I've seen them before. Oh my god this cant be real

Half of Pierce The Veil is sitting on my couch.

I must have been standing there looking shocked because Mike speaks up.

"Um Hi Ash. Im Mike and this is Tony and we'd like to adopt you.I mean if thats alright with you"

"But you dont have to make up you're mind now. Why dont we go out to lunch and get to know each other?"

Suddenly the shock wore off and I started feeling very excited and happy.

"Alright." I tell them

"Lets go then."Tony says standing up.

As we walk outside I see a shiny black car. Dont ask me what kind I have no intrest in cars, therefore I dont know.

"Have a good time Ash." Wendy calls from the front door

"Thanks Wendy I will." I call back

We get in the car and Tony ask me where I want to eat.

"Burger King" I say instantly

"Yay!" Mike screams from the Drivers seat

"You sure sweetheart? We can go where ever you want." Tony says turning in his seat to look at me.

"Yeah I like it there." I tell him


When we get to the register we all order. Mike and I ordered Veggie burgers and Tony got a whopper. When they pay and get to the table they start asking me questions between eating.

"Are you a vegitarian?" Mike asks me

"Yes" I answer

"Wooo! Veggie kids unite!" He screams earning funny looks from the people around us

"Woo!" I scream as well getting some looks of my own

"Whats you're favorite color?" Tony asks

"Sky blue" I reply

"Nice. Anything you want to ask us?"

"Actually yes. Why made you guys want to adopt? I mean I know you've been dating for a while but why now? and Why me and not a boy or like a baby?" I ask

"Well" Tony starts "I've always wanted a kid, someone I could love and call mine and we couldnt adopt a baby because we're on stage a lot there would be no one to watch it. You're 14 you can watch yourself sometimes"

"And as for not adopting a boy. We have a whole band full of guys! And they guys wanted a niece." Adds Mike

"Oh speaking of the guys when can I meet them?" I ask

"Tonight. That is if you say yes." Mike tells me

I was going to reply but I was cut of some fans asking for autographs and pictures from the guys. I took this time to think about what Im going to say. This is going to change my life in a huge way. People are going to be mean because of jelousy. Am I prepared for all the hate and the happiness that comes with being their daughter? Is this what I want?

"Whos the girl?" One fans asks

"Im their daughter" I reply with a smile


Authors Note

This is my first story so sorry if it sucks. Feedback appriciated

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