Chapter 2.

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I know what you're probably thinking a $10,000 prize for a skateboarding competition and she isn't worried!

Well, at the moment I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and this competition comes once a year and every year for the past five years I have won.

Just like I did this year. It was really easy, but then again I am second in the world at skateboarding. The first place guy was eighteen when I versed him and is very modest though. Not. Although he was nice to me when we competed and he only won by a point.

"Honey are you packed?" Mom asks softly still crying.

"Yeah let's go."

I shove my suitcase next to me and mom speeds off to the airport.

~10 hours later ~

I walk out of the airport to see heaps of people buzzing around. My eyes instantly flicker to a man and a woman in there late thirties to early forties holding a sign with my name in bold letters.

"Hello sweetie, are you Biljana?!" I nod " OHMIGOD YOU HAVE GROWN SO MUCH!" The lady squealed.

"Hello there Billy" says the man "my names Christopher but everyone calls me Chris, and this lunatic over here" he smiles affectionately and the lady "is my wife Harper,"

I smile at how cute they are, it almost made me believe in true love. Almost.

"It's nice to finally meet you" Harper pulls me in for a hug.

"Now sweetie I have a little bad news" she smiles. "We have to take you straight to school from here because today is your first day" my eyebrows shoot up! I just got here and she's making me go to school! I just got here.

"I know it sucks but unfortunately it's your mothers orders," she chuckles at my surprised face. "That's not the only bad news, you won't be able to meet our sons"

"Sons, plural?"

"Yes we have five boys,"

"Five!" I exclaimed.

"Yes but I will introduce you to them after school," she smiles warmly.

"Don't worry Bill they're not to bad" Chris says laughing.

"So Billy what kind of things are you into?" Chris asks as we drive off.

"Well I like drawing and reading and love skateboarding I actually got to compete in worlds last year." I say looking at the beautiful scenery.

"Really did you place?" Chris asks excitedly.

Unfortunately I chose this moment to have some water.

"Our eldest son Hunter came first in worlds last year" Harper says.

I almost spit out my water.

"Him! Ohmygod" I smile.

"What" Chris looks at me worriedly.

"I placed second last year"

"That was you!" Chris practically squeals "Hunter was always saying that it should have been a tie and that you where really good and that he hoped he could verse you this year" I blush and smile proudly.

"Well sweetie come along we need to get you properly enrolled" Harper says opening my door.

"Guys I'm waiting in the car enrolling is so boring" Chris says waving.

We walk in to get me properly enrolled. What fun. Note the sarcasm.       

I know I know I said the next chapters would be longer but if it helps this one is a bit longer :) they will become longer promise how are ya liking the book? I'm really sorry for all the horrible gamma and spelling errors please do point them out so I can go back and fix them but please if someone else has already pointed it out don't do it as well I don't need fifty people saying isn't Oompa Loompa spelt Oompa Loompa not ompalompa any ways love y'all!


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