Chapter 30.

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"Billy! Billy! Billy!" Lisa calls running into my room with John hot on her tail.

"Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!" I mimic. "What's up?"

"One, I'm not pregnant, two, it's Halloween!!" She squeals.

"Wait you thought you were pregnant?" John says confused.

"It was just a scare. Anyway, I have your costume!" Lisa says grabbing the sack like bag.

"I already gave Reese his, this is yours," she says passing me a short brown fluffy dress with bear paw gloves.

I laugh knowing what Reese will be dressed up as.

Lisa pulls out her Wendy costume. "Jackson is going to be Peter Pan," she snickers.

"We're going as the lost boys," John says.

"Damn now I feel left out," I chuckle.

"Hey did you know even Spencer is dressing up with someone." Lisa says as she rummages through my stuff.

"Who? And what are you looking for?" I ask curiously.

"Some kid called Anna," John says as he zips up his onesie.

"Aw how cute! Spence has a girlfriend!" I chuckle. "What are they dressing up as?"

"Pebbles and bam bam, from the flintstones," Lisa reply's as she puts face paint across johns cheeks.

I pull on my dress. "Damn this is really short Lisa!" I say as I try to pull it down more.

"Well duh! It's Halloween! You gotta look sexy!" She says as she rolls her eyes.

"Found it!" She calls as she holds up my curling iron in triumph.

"Oh and I found Hunters pain meds." She says chucking me the empty bottle that wasn't there yesterday.

"Hunter said he couldn't take these anymore," I say confused.

"What why?" John asks flopping on my bed.

"He said that the doctor said he was allergic to them or something," I say throwing them in the bin near my desk.

"When?" Lisa asks.

"When I was in Australia, he said that was why he was being so moody," I say.

"Baby doll, he never went to the hospital while we were away," John says.

"What- but he said- how should you know you were with me!" I say angrily.

He's just trying to make me angry right?

"What no johns right, Hunter was in Australia as well," Lisa says. "I thought you knew he was in Australia?"

"No, but that does explain why my phone bill wasn't through the roof," I try to joke. "Are you sure he was in Australia?" I ask.

"Yeah I saw his tickets but he told me to keep it a secret 'cause he was going to surprise you," Lisa says nodding furiously.

"I Told you he isn't good! You were angry at me for being suspicious about him and now you're just finding out he was in Australia to what? Stalk you? Plan your fucking murder?" John rants angrily.

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