social outcast.

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Thank the heavens for my social anxiety! Makes my life 101% easier!


I feel like everyone is staring at me when I'm in public. When they're most likely not, and it's just me imagining it all, because who gives a shit about some random kid? I try so hard to be unnoticed, but I end up doing just the opposite.

I stutter so much when I speak to strangers. Even when I'm ordering food. FOOD. I look stupid doing that too.

I also do the DUMBEST things in public, like trying to put on a juggling act by attempting to untangle my earphones and balance files in my hands. Most likely ends up with me accidentally jabbing someone, or dropping all the files on the floor.

Go me!

I also scroll through the internet on public transport, and when I see stuff that's funny, I look like a pufferfish and sound like a deflating balloon. Overall, I look retarded. And it causes more people to stare at me.

So can you blame me, family, if I don't want to get out of the house, and would rather stay at home and be awkward in peace?

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