Going Solo

231 21 13

~Everyone has logged on~

MotherKihyun93: has everyone seen my cover of TWICE's OOH AHH?!?!

WonhosMan: No.

RapperJooheon: not this again.

Shownew: guys dont be mean. Its a collab with the member from BOYFRIEND and the solo artist.

MotherKihyun93: they have names -_-

Shownew: I've forgotten :(

MotherKihyun93: does that mean you havent heard my cover?!?!

WhoI.M: Pabo!

MotherKihyun93: you can talk I.M!

WhoI.M: I was just....

ModelHyung: gooooooodmorning! I'm actually awake today!

WonhosMan: wow this is progress.

ModelHyung: No its not!!!!

WonhosMan: ....?

ModelHyung: that brat Minhyuk woke me up by throwing water all over my face!!! Im so angry!

RapperJooheon: we can see..

Shownew: where is Minhyukie anyway?

ModelHyung: probably dying from the punch I gave him

WhoI.M: hahahaha I can't believe you punched him!!

MotherKihyun93: with those bony hands xD

ModelHyung: you're all dead.

~ModelHyung has logged off~

MotherKihyun93: someones angry today.

WonhosMan: not the first time is it?

Shownew: I think he has like a 'men'strual cycle.

RapperJooheon: that was just awful.

WhoI.M: tell me about it!

RapperJooheon: he's obviously going through puberty.

WhoI.M: yeah

WonhosMan: but how is Minhyuk online and not saying anything?

Minmin: .....

MotherKihyun93: Oooooooh he's here.

Minmin: Kihyun are you over the whole TWICE phase?!

MotherKihyun93: why are you attacking me straight away. Yah.

Minmin: you've been acting strange for days.

RapperJooheon: Minhyukkie idk if you've been dead for the last few chatrooms but we've acknowledged that Kihyun is doing a cover of Ooh Ahh with 2 other boygroup members.

MotherKihyun93: <__<

WhoI.M: .__.

Shownew: I'll go check it out. Bye...

~Shownew has logged off~

MotherKihyun93: he's probably lying. I'll go pester him some more ^~^!

~MotherKihyun93 has logged off~

WonhosMan: I just came back from the kitchen to find that they've both gone? Why do they always leave together?!

RapperJooheon: now that I think about it.... they do...

WhoI.M: they're like mother and father of the group. It's understandable.

Minmin: .... mm..

Minmin: I have to go. Hyungwon's punch is really hurting my arm. I need to dropkick him.

~Minmin has logged off~

WhoI.M: boyyy that'll be a sight! Let's go watch it xD

RapperJooheon: I doubt Minhyuk will do it... he's so soft towards Hyungwon

WhoI.M: not anymore, you know how angry Hyungwon gets when anyone wakes him up.

WonhosMan: ahahah I just heard Hyungwon scream. We better go.

~everyone has logged off~

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