We Back

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A/N: I took such a long break from this sorry, I'll try harder if you guys encourage me!!!

~everyone has logged on~

MotherKihyun93: waahh we haven't logged in for ages.

WonhosMan: I know right.

WhoIM: I forgot this existed.

RapperJooheon: me too.

Shownew: well now that we're here.... lets talk about all the new comebacks.

ModelHyung: yeah... welcome back I.M!

WhoIM: ._.

RapperJooheon: he came back a while ago Hyungwon. Get with it.

Shownew: not our members comeback, the other groups

MotherKihyun93: has anyone seen Minhyuk?

WonhosMan: he's in my room.

Minmin: hello!

WhoIM: you took your time hyung.

Minmin: I was in the shower.

WhoIM: with Wonho? <_<

RapperJooheon: ummm...

WonhosMan: don't act as if you 2 dont shower together??

RapperJooheon: what when?

WhoIM: em....

Shownew: guys its not a secret, we already know you shower together.

MotherKihyun93: besides its completely fine for 2 boys to shower together.

ModelHyung: I don't see this going anywhere....

WhoIM: what about you Hyungwon do you know anything?

ModelHyung: I just woke up.

Minmin: daebak. The first one to sleep and the last one to wake up.

RapperJooheon: swag

ModelHyung: are you guys talking about me?

WhoIM: no we're talking about my cat.

ModelHyung: I didn't know you had a cat?

Minmin: please go back to sleep

ModelHyung: ...

~ModelHyung has logged off~

RapperJooheon: that was mean Minhyuk

WhoIM: yeah i know right.

WonhosMan: I.M. you were also pretty mean.

MotherKihyun93: guys we should really lighten up the mood on these chat rooms. We keep arguing.

WonhosMan: you can talk. You always give us a lecture.

Minmin: I'm waiting for Shownu to teach me the moves to the new song.

RapperJooheon: okay! Good luck

WhoIM: see ya downstairs then.

Shownew: we didn't talk about that comeback I wanted to.... Seventeen's Pretty U.

WonhosMan: ahhhh the group that's gay :D

WhoIM: Wonho!

WonhosMan: what!? Did I say something wrong?

Shownew: they're not that gay. I was really enjoying the concept. Maybe we should do something like that for our next MV?

MotherKihyun93: I personally liked Twice's comeback more. How about a movie concept? :D

WhoI.M: I like it too

RapperJooheon: nahh I'm not really feeling either of them. Besides Wonwoo said he didn't like our reality show.

Shownew: what?

WonhosMan: on One Fine Day >_<

Minmin: SHOWNU HYUNG HURRY UP! I'm waiting!

~Minmin has logged off~

Shownew: ok see you guys in practice. Dont be late!

~Shownew has logged off~

RapperJooheon: uuggh... I dont want to

WhoIM: I gotta go ...sorry phone call.

~WhoI.M has logged off~

WonhosMan: everyone's just logging off..

~MotherKihyun93 has logged off~

~RapperJooheon has logged off~

WonhosMan: see you after practice!!!

~WonhosMan has logged off~

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