My Unhuman Kidnapper

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This is my first book I've ever written, so if u want u guys could give me some suggestions.\

 Now, to the story>>>>>

Chapter 1

My names Jessica Smith. I have dirty blonde hair and lime green eyes. I'm about 5'4" and seventeen years old.

Walking out of the grocery store with the food I bought to fill my family's fridge, I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. I look over where I saw the shadow, but nothing was there and the shadow was gone.

'Well maybe it was just my imagination', I thought to myself.

So I started walking again and turned a corner and start walkiing down an alley. After about 8 steps I look up and there was a boy standing there staring at me with pitch black eyes. It scared the living shit out of me! I slowly started stepping backwards. After about 3 steps I turn and started running only to run into a wall, But when I look up its the boy standing in front of me gripping my shoulders, so that I couldn't move.

I started screaming, so he covered my mouth with his hand and put his head down to my neck and I could feel two sharp teeth sink into my neck.

I woke up to find myself in a room and on a bed that I have never seen before. When I looked down I see that I'm still in my clothes I was wearing yesterday. Then it hit me what happend last night. Someone drank my blood! Oh shit....Where the hell am I?! I got up and walked to the door, but when I went to open it the door swung back and smacked me in the face before I went into darkness yet, again.


so guys do u think I should keep on writing thisw story or not?????


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