Chapter 8

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            On our way home, well to Chris’s house, it was very quiet. Neither of us spoke; it was an uncomfortable silence. You could feel the tension in the air. When we got to the house, Chris unlocked the door and I went straight upstairs to my room. I was almost to my room.

“Jessica, come down here. Now. I need to speak with you,” he barks. Great I get to deal with his moody ass now.

I go back down the stairs where he is standing. He starts walking to the living room and I follow him. He then turns around and stares at me with a few emotions crossing his face. What looks like anger, sadness, regret, and then angry again.

“What?” I glare at him.

“Are you kidding me right now?! What is wrong with you why would you just go out without me knowing? You could have gotten yourself raped, or drugged, or….or even killed. If I weren’t there to take that guy off of you I don’t even want to know what would happen. Jessica, you could have been in some serious trouble.” He rants.

“I know but...” I start to say but get interrupted.

“No but Jessica, never ever do that again. Do you understand me?”

“Wow, who do you think you are? My father? Ha, I don’t think so. You can’t tell me what to do, even though you kidnapped me… doesn’t mean I’m going to let you control my whole life! You may have taken me away from my friends and family, but I won’t let you take away my freedom. It’s a free country!” I yell at him. Like, seriously! Stupid, dumb, sexy vampire. With those beautiful eyes and his…Wait! What am I doing? No, stupid brain, shut up!

I than notice he’s smirking at me.

“What?” I say.

“You think I’m sexy? Well, thank you! I feel so honored.”

“Whatever, wait and how did you know I even thought that? Oh, wait keep forgetting you’re a vampire. You need to explain to me how this vampire stuff works.”

“Not now, some other time. Now go to bed you are probably exhausted.” Chris says softly noticing my big yawn I made.

“Kay, night.” I go to climb up the stairs, but he picks me up bridal style and takes me to my room. I didn’t really mind; I felt too tired to try to get up the stairs anyways.

He laid me down in the bed and went through my clothes to find me some comfy clothes. He gave me shorts and a tee. I grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom to change and freshen up. I came out and to my surprise he was still there sitting on my bed. I go to the other side and climb in bed. He comes over to my side and kneels down beside me looking into my eyes. He brushes a stray piece of hair that was lying on my face behind my ear. It felt nice. I don’t want to admit it, but I think I’m starting to get a few feeling for him, not much, but he’s growing on me. He kisses me on my forehead, says “Night,” and walks out. I so badly wanted him to stay with me, but I didn’t say anything. I eventually fell asleep with a nice dream in my head.

Dream: ‘Chris and I were walking down the beach hand in hand. He stopped me and kneeled in front of me pulling out a square box. I gasped. Chris…I start getting teary. We are both badly in love with each other. “Jessica Alexandra Smith will make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”  I jump in his arms “Yes! I love y..”’

End of dream:

Waking up I heard a smash. I ran downstairs to see a boy around the same age as Chris, laughing at an angry Chris. They both looked at me when I walked in. The boy walked over to me with an out stretched hand, so I grabbed it and shook his hand. “Well hello! You must be the famous Jessica. Nice to meet you, I’m John Sable.” He said quite cheerfully and he kisses my hand making me blush. “Umm…nice to meet you to?” I said. “You and I are going to be best friends! How has Chris been to you? Not too harsh I hope.” John says looking between me and Chris amused. I start to reply back, but Chris interrupted, “Leave her alone, John!” John completely ignored Chris and pushed me into the living room. I sat down on the couch and he sat next to me putting his arm around me. Chris followed us in looking irritated. It was pretty funny if you ask me. Chris looked jealous, but that couldn’t be right. He didn’t like me, unless… I looked at Chris with a confuse face. He looked at me and frowned, saying, “I am not gay. Where did you even get that?”

“Well…” I started to say, but John started laughing. “Dude, she thinks we are a thing. Jess I must admit Chris is hot, but I’m completely straight. So, I’m all yours girl!” Chris came over and slapped him across the head. “Ow!” John complained.

I blushed, “Haha umm ok…”

“I’m just kidding! Chris would have my balls if I tried anything on you.” John is a pretty funny guy I’m starting to like him already. I hope he will be around often.

“Okay, time for you to go now John.” Chris tells John.

“But I just got here!” John whined. Chris grabs Johns arm and starts to drag him out.

“Bye Jess! I will see you later!”

“Bye!” I yell back since he’s already at the front door getting shoved out by Chris.

Chris comes back in the living room and leans on the wall. “What would you like for breakfast? Well, I guess lunch since it’s almost 1 o’clock,” Chris says looking at the clock.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been busy with school. I am trying to update regularly, but it might take some time.


<333 Selina

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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