The Cost

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She walked away with her head held high
Until later that night she knew that she'd cry.

They'd ask her what's wrong and she'd say 'I'm okay'
Though she told herself that today is the day

In her bed all alone
She dreams of a home
For a place at last
To be free from her past

"Fat, ugly, freak." Are the things that they blurt
Little do they know how much it really hurt.

Until the day she could take it no more,
She cuts her wrist as she lies on the floor,
She takes even more pills
Till her body eventually stills

She's escaped from her past
She knew she'd never last

It was all a big game
Which she eventually lost
There was a price to be paid,
Little did they know her life was the cost.

So this is the first poem I wrote so yeah hope you liked it.
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