Chapter 1

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Captain Grant Ward of the Jolly Roger stood on the deck of his ship. He looked out into the horizon, relishing the feeling of the sun on his face. He shouted orders to the members of his crew telling them to pull into the next port they saw.

They all laughed knowing full well that that wasn't what they were there for.

Grant Ward was a dangerous pirate, one that many stories were often told about. He was probably the most famous pirate that sailed the seven seas, well, besides Melinda May. He stood at about 6' 3" with black hair and dark brown eyes. He wore leather pants and shirt, accompanied by a long leather jacket. He fingered the hilt of his sword, a sword that he had won in a battle many years ago.

He had battled the Knights of a far away kingdom when he had come for young maidens.

Yes, Grant Ward was a pirate who held daughters of very wealthy men for ransom, and today he would capture to the daughter of King Philip and his wife, Queen Rosalind.

Of course this wasn't the only way he came about his fortune, he also pillaged and plundered and fought other pirates. These were, after all, the things that all self respecting pirates had to do in order to gain a reputation.

"Lay anchor here until nightfall!" he shouted to his men.

If they were spotted when they kidnapped the princess, then they would have no chance of escape. So they had to wait until nightfall, when people were less suspecting and the cover of darkness was their aid.


Princess Skye awoke from her dream and lit the lamp on her bedside table. She breathed heavily and one of her maids rushed in, "Lady Skye, are you alright?"

Skye nodded, wiping the sweat off her brow, "yes, just a bad dream. I'll be fine, go back to bed."

The maid nodded and left the room silently to return to her sleep.

Skye peeled back her covers and climbed quietly out of her bed. She put on her sandals and grabbed her silk robe off of a chair. Her feet padded across the floor as she made her way to the balcony. She opened the doors to her balcony and stepped outside to feel the fresh air on her face, thinking that it may help her clear her head.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the ocean air. She opened them again and saw a figure in the distance. She watched with avid interest as the figure drew closer. It was a pirate ship! Skye was about to scream and warn everyone that pirates were going to attack, but a hand slipped over her mouth and everything went black.


Skye groaned and rubbed her head. She looked around to see where in the world she was. She tried to stand when she realized that she was chained to the ground. She kneeled, since that was as far up as she could go, and she looked out the small hole in the wall. She pressed her face up against it and peered out, all she could see was the open seas. Wave after wave after wave and blue after blue after blue. She sank back down to the ground and tried to calm her stomach, boats always did make her uneasy. Especially when you were pretty sure that you were being held for ransom by pirates.

"Welcome aboard," said a menacing voice from in front of her. She looked up and saw a man, twirling a knife between his fingers.

She gulped. It was Grant Ward.

"I suppose you know why you're here?" the man with the knife asked.

Skye looked up at him, "I know what your reputation says about you, so I have a pretty good idea."

He nodded and smirked, "good," he said as he left the room she was being kept in.

Skye crawled over to a corner and hugged her knees. She would be fine right? He just kept the girls until he got enough money and then he let them go. Right?

So why did she have the strangest feeling that something else was in store for her?

*basically Ward looks like Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time... with Ward's face I guess.

That's a little strange xD

Well, I'll leave you to ponder that*

Thanks for reading!

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