Chapter 6

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"Oh... What shall we do with a drunken sailor? What shall we do with a drunken sailor? What shall we do with a drunken sailor?"

Skye groaned as she heard the singing from above deck as the door to her room was opened, letting the sound in.

"I apologize M'lady," said Red-beard as he brought her her breakfast, "for the noise, but the men get restless and the captain says he'd rather we sing than plan a mutiny."

Skye smiled, grateful for the kindness this pirate had shown her over the days she had been aboard the ship.

"Thanks Red," she said.

He smiled at the nickname and mock-bowed as he left her room, leaving her giggling.

She and Red had slowly became friends over the course of her stay, her loving to tell stories about her life in the castle, and he loving to tell stories about his wife and kids back on land.

She quickly ate her breakfast and changed out of her nightgown, slipping back into her pirate's attire, jewelry and makeup and all.

She opened the door and walked out onto the deck.

"Chuck him in a long boat 'til he gets sober! Chuck him in a long boat 'til he gets sober! Chuck him in a long boat 'til he gets sober!"

Skye covered her mouth to stop herself from giggling as she made her way to the captain.

"How much longer until we reach the island?"

He turned his head and slightly smiled, acknowledging her presence, "about a week."

"So one week, then a few days on the island, and then two weeks until I get back home?"

He nodded.

"So we don't have a whole ton of time then, do we?"

He cocked an eyebrow, "for what?"

"To get to know each other!" she laughed, "I already know all of your men but I can't seem to understand you. Help me out a little," she said as she nudged his arm with her elbow.

"What do you want to know?" he sighed in defeat. He obviously wasn't going to be able to deny this girl. That fact troubled him, he always held all the power but as soon as he looked into Skye's cocoa eyes, his resolve melted away.


"Don't have one. Dad died on the sea, mother died from an illness, not in contact with my brothers."

"What about a wife and kids?"

He scoffed, "no."

"Why? It can't be hard for you to get a wife."

She mentally slapped herself, 'why did you just say that? What's wrong with you?'

"It's not," he smirked.

"No need to get cocky," she flirted back.

"I'm not," he shrugged as he smiled at her, "just stating the obvious."

She burst into a fit of giggles and put her hand on his shoulder to keep herself upright, "I should never have said that, now you're gonna get it into your head that you're good-looking."

"I didn't need you to tell it to me," he winked, "I already knew."

"Miss Skye!" The blonde pirate with the eyepatch yelled, "come show us your sword fighting!"

Skye slowly moved away from Grant and walked down the few steps to the other pirates.

"Feel like being beaten, boys?"

The crew laughed but Grant interrupted them from the top deck, "if you can beat Skye, I'll do your job for a week!"

"Trust me that much?" Skye retorted.

He silently nodded and Skye promised herself that she would win.

The blonde pirate grabbed a sword and handed Skye one as well. It had become Skye's favorite, a long silver sword with a diamond encrusted handle. She grabbed the sword and pointed it at him, waiting for him to make the first move. He jabbed at her side and she easily blocked it, shoving the blade of his sword back towards him. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, sending more jabs her way. She blocked every one before getting bored and sending a few strikes of her own. The second jab she threw at him knocked the sword out of his hand and she shoved him to the deck, so he landed on his back. The rest of the crew cheered and Ward made his way down the stairs, "I think I'd like a turn with the lady now."

Skye helped the blonde pirate up and turned to face him, "grab your weapon and let's go."

"Eager eh?"

"Always. It's been a while since I've had good competition. Blackbeard not included."

He smiled and picked up his sword, letting her throw the first jab. She aimed near his legs but he blocked her. He aimed near her chest and she stopped him just before he hit near her heart. She threw a few more jabs unsuccessfully and he did the same. He finally had the upper hand when he swung his sword near her feet and she jumped over it. He then stuck out his foot behind her as she landed so she fell onto the ground, but she grabbed his coat and pulled him down with her. He landed on top of her and he smirked, pointing his sword at her throat, "oh I bet you've been waiting this whole week to get me like this."

She laughed and wrapped her legs around him, and used all her force to flip them over, her landing on top, "sorry sailor, not today."

She stood up and they continued their fight until Skye had successfully pinned him to the ground for three seconds.

He brushed off his coat, "good game."

"How do you feel now that your prisoner is a better swordsman than the captain?"

"Slightly humiliated," he smiled.

"Good," she said as she walked away back to her cabin.

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