Chapter 10

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Skye ran a hand through her hair when she heard a knock on her cabin door, "what is it?"

Red-beard opened the door just a crack and replied, "sorry miss, but the captain wanted me to tell you that we're about an hour away from the castle."

She sat up in bed and rubbed her hands on the skirts of her nightgown, "thanks, Red."

She heard a mumble of 'you're welcome' and the door shut. She stood up from her bed and grabbed her clothes off of the chair in her room. First she jumped into the tight tan pants, then followed by her low cut white shirt with the corset-like middle. Next she pulled on the knee high leather boots and put on her locket and the hoop earrings that came with the outfit. She next took her hair and brushed it thoroughly, getting as much of the tangles and sand out of it. She grabbed the red bandana and folded it so that it looked like a strip and she wrapped it around her head and tied it like a headband. Lastly she put on her "guyliner" and her belt which held her favorite sword in its sheath.

Finally satisfied with her appearance, she stepped out of her cabin and onto the deck where she saw the crew men swinging around the mast and doing their chores.

She walked up the four steps to the captain and she sat down on the barrel, "so I'm going home today?"

Ward looked over his shoulder, "in just a little under an hour, yes."

She sighed, "what if I don't want to go home?"

He genuinely looked alarmed at that, "why wouldn't you want to go home? You have your friends, your parents, your old life."

"Ok but once I get back I'll probably be auctioned off to some old king who needs a wife! I don't want that! I love it here on the sea, my mother loves it on the sea, and you're here," she whispered the last part quietly but he still heard her.

"Skye, you shouldn't be throwing your entire life away just because I'm on the seas all the time."

"Ward, do you honestly think that I could ever go back to my old life after everything that's happened? I learned that the person who I thought was my mother, actually isn't, I learned that my mother was the second most famous pirate ever, I found hidden treasure, escaped sirens, watched you get shot, made friends with all your crew, and I met you."

He let out a small chuckle when she listed out everything that they had done together, "well we certainly didn't keep you bored, did we?"

"Please don't make me go back," she pleaded, staring into his eyes.

He slowly felt his will resolve and he sighed, "at least tell everyone that you're alright. Try spending a day there and we'll come back if you decide that this is really where you want to stay."

She gave him a big grin and kissed his cheek, "thank you!"

He sighed and rolled his eyes with a grin on his face as he watched her skip back to her cabin.


"Skye!" said her father the king as he crushed her in a hug, "we've been worried sick! Did they hurt you? Are you ok?"

She laughed and put her hand on top of her father's, which was resting on her cheek, "I'm fine dad, no one hurt me. I didn't let 'em."

His eyes traveled down to her sword, "where did you get that?"

She shrugged, "found it on the ship."

"And they let you keep it?" he asked incredulously.

She nodded when two more people came running into the Great Hall to hug her.

Rosalind also held onto her in a bone crushing hug, "thank goodness you're ok Skye!" She cradled her head with her hand, "oh we thought we'd lost you."

She smiled as Rosalind kissed her cheek, "I'm ok, mom."

Rosalind stepped aside and Jemma, Skye's best friend hugged her tightly.

"I'm ok Jems," Skye said as she started running out of breath, "but I won't be if you squeeze the life out of me."

"Oh sorry!" Jemma stepped back and have her a sheepish grin, "we were all so worried."


"You got treasure?" Jemma asked Skye as the two were sitting in her room. Skye had just finished telling Jemma everything and made her swear to never tell anyone else.

"Only this locket, but it's better than all the treasure in the world."

"He must really care about you."

Skye smirked, "yeah, I guess."

Jemma paused for a moment and then exclaimed, "oh my goodness! Your clothes!"

Skye looked down, confused, "oh these?" She brushed her hair off of her shoulder and grinned, "you like?"

"Where did you get them?"

"Ward gave them to me."

"You look stunning!"

"Thank you," she smiled, "I like to think that I pull the pirate look off pretty well."

Jemma smiled and nodded.

Skye nervously played with her locket and sat down next to Jemma, "Jems, what I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone."

Jemma was slightly confused, but she nodded nonetheless.

"I'm not staying here. Ward and his crew are coming back for me tonight."

"You're leaving us?" Jemma asked, hurt.

"I love you all but, I don't feel like I belong here. I never felt that way. I want to stay with Grant."

"You're leaving everyone, for a pirate?"

"I know it's a lot to process, but I'm happier out there."

Jemma didn't say anything for a moment but then relented, "I want nothing more than your happiness."

"Thank you for understanding," Skye said as she leaned over and hugged her best friend tightly.


Dear mom and dad,

I know you both were scared she you found out that I had been kidnapped. But what you do not know is that I met the greatest people I've ever known. I'm sure in your eyes they're nothing more than criminals and drunken sailors, but they are some of my dearest friends.

I'm leaving this note because I won't be here in the morning when you read it. I'm leaving tonight to be with them because honestly, I am so much happier and carefree when I'm with them.

I know you're disappointed in me, but I hope that over time you'll learn to accept my decision.

I love you both dearly,

Skye xoxo

Phil finished reading the letter and shakily set it back down on Skye's nightstand where he had found it.

"I can't believe that she would do that," Rosalind said, tears welling in her eyes.

"She always got her way," he replied with a smile, "I hope she finds what she's looking for."

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