Chapter Thirteen

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All my relief shut down like the hot water heater at Fitch's. Jeb was coming into Xander's room. He was going to find me lying on the floor like easy pocket pickings at Union Square. I might've thought I didn't care, but I did. Or, I did now.

I scrambled to my feet. My gaze scattered around the room looking for a place to hide. But nothing enclosed. I wasn't ready for that yet.

Under the bed. My gaze zeroed in on the pedestal the bed sat on. My chest squeaked. There was no under the bed.

The door opened slightly. "I'll be right there." Jeb answered someone's call.

I swiveled in circles, searching for escape. The window? I knew I couldn't jump.

The curtains? I scurried over to the white, silky window coverings that matched the canopy of the bed. Lifting an edge, I then swirled them around careful to cover my feet.

Please look natural. Please look natural.

The door must've been thrown open because it banged against the wall. Jeb's muffled footsteps crossed the carpeted floor. I hoped Xander stayed in his little hidey hole.

I stared out the window, trying to control my breath. In and out. In and out. Calm down. Don't give yourself away. My heart slowed to almost normal. I blew out between puckered lips trying not to make noise. I didn't notice the waves surging in and out. I didn't notice the people moving on the cliffs. I didn't notice the blue sky or even the sun. But relief swelled through me taking in the openness of the world.

A dresser drawer slid open. Something was slipped out. The drawer closed again. Steps turned and headed toward the door.

My shoulders relaxed. My bones liquefied. He'd come in the room for something, not someone. He wasn't looking for me or Xander. I let out a large breath.

Jeb's footsteps stopped. I pictured him turning toward the sound. Toward me.

I should've learned my lesson from the museum guard. I held perfectly still. Held my breath. Didn't blink. Tried to make my heart stop its pounding.

The steps continued toward the bedroom door and into the hallway. The door swung closed.

I collapsed onto the floor and held my head in my hands. If I had stayed in Xander's cramped space, I wouldn't have almost been caught.

"Olivia." Xander whispered into the room. He sounded worried, upset. "Olivia."

"Over here." I pushed at the curtain with weak hands.

"Where?" His voice was closer.

"Behind the curtain." I controlled an urge to sob. He couldn't see me like this. Bad enough I'd freaked and scurried out of the closet.

The curtain was pushed aside. "What happened?"

"Jeb almost caught me." I felt so stupid. I'd risked everything.

"What happened to make you go berserk?"

A choked laugh escaped my throat. Berserk was an appropriate term. "Nothing."

"That wasn't nothing."

"I don't like small spaces."

"Claustrophobia?" Of course, he knew the medical term.

I had to look it up online at the library. "Yes."

"How can a thief—"

"It doesn't matter." I forced my voice to sound strong and angry when I felt neither. "Let's get out of here." Walking to the door, my legs trembled from knees to toes. I opened the door a crack.

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