Chapter 3

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The horse was drinking by a stream, I smiled. I slowly walked towards the horse, making sure not to scare it, I made my way across the stream by stepping on a few rocks, not to far away from the horse. The horse looked up, he didn't make a sound, as he stepped away from me. "Shhh, it's ok boy" I whispered, trying to calm the horse, "I won't hurt you" I smiled, the horse stepped towards me, thirsty he dipped his head back into the stream, and countinuied drinking. The horse didn't seem very frightened, he probably hasn't seen many humans around the Forrest before. Wonder why.

I rested my hands on it's back, stroking it gently. Stroking the horse, I felt calm, and alone. I wondered what would happened if I rode it? I lifted one leg on the horse's back, it's head shot out from the stream, it neither loudly, and started frantically galloping around, I secured my left leg around the horse, "calm down buddy! Calm down!" I tried to talk to it, being pretty stupid because horses don't speak English. I stroked it's mane, calming it down it galloped slower, just when I thought it had completely calmed down, it kicked it shine legs in the air. Almost throwing me off. Luckily I grabbed on to its mane, and secured my self on the horses back, "you are one feisty horse" I giggled, stroking it's mane. "I'll name you speckles" the horse neighed once more, and galloped away at high speed, with me still sitting on its back. 

"Slow down!!" I yelled, it ran deeper into the woods, luckily it wasn't as fast as the last time. Until suddenly, he stopped. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked, stroking it's mane, the horse frozen where it was. Wen suddenly I realised what it was looking at. It was looking at a huge, lone wolf, staring at Speckles with its blood shot eyes, it growled, showing off all its teeth. It was so fast, it pounced on Speckles, I fell to the ground, the wolf sinked it's teeth into Speckles body, Speckles neighed in pain, I grabbed my bow and arrow in my hands, aimed, and shot the wolf in the heart. It died, blood pouring, I ran to Speckles. "No, no, no! Buddy please stay with me!" I used an arrow to cut off a piece of my shirt, I stopped the bleeding, Speckleds neighed once more, "speckles please don't do this to me" I had to save this horse, I don't why, I just had to

I gave it some fresh grass, and managed to stop the bleeding. But the sun was setting, and I needed to build a shelter by sun down, I kept my bow and arrow close by, stroking speckles mane I felt a little bit calmer, as if I've known this horse for years. I thought to myself, if there was one wolf, there has to be others.

Whoop whoop! Third chapter! Please read more! And comment and vote, I love all of you!

Xoxo -Aly

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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