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You're too slow Devona. My muscles haven't started to loosen up yet.

Shush love.

Well hurry. The urge to take over is becoming stronger.

Alright. Let's merge now.

I felt my muscles bunch as I sped forward even faster than before. The field was a vision of green and gold to the horizon. Butterfly's and other insects were whipped around by a gust off the plateau to my right that also rustled my fur.

I could feel my wolf link fully with my soul and I felt my limbs crackle like fireworks exploding. In that moment my vision sharpened and I could hear the buzzing of wings all around me. I could smell things so strongly they were bathed in colors, like a rainbow of scents. Our body was stronger now and all the scenery blurred into an incomprehensible oil painting, with as fast as I was going.

We were bonded now, stronger than when I had first shifted when I was thirteen. We ran and ran until there was no more land to run on, then we spun around and ran back the way we had come. Luckily the pack We had been born into was well endowed with land since Our alpha was quite greedy. He had always been one to yearn for more, both in life and recently, in love too.

Our alpha met his mate three months ago at another enemy pack meeting. Only 18 and the daughter of the enemy pack Alpha so she was also a good wedge to seal the alliance between both packs. Barely more than a child and she was already pregnant. None of us in the pack were surprised since he strove to always be on top and making pups right off the bat was a priority in his book. Strong offspring for the continuation and strength of the pack and all that.

My wolf and I felt sorry for the girl, having had to cut ties with her family and become an adult so fast. Then again We also didn't really care since it didn't directly concern us. Ever since We were a pup We had always been only concerned with our own well being. Since We were the Alphas cousin We could do almost anything We wanted. His father and my mother were siblings, though my cousin was 5 years older than I. My father became the pack Doctor so he could continue to support his brother-in-laws pack while my mother was a pack negotiator. Meanwhile growing up I chose to be a floater, here and yet not, almost like a lone wolf. My wolf and I enjoyed our space and so We kept to ourselves.

My feet entered into the outer territory and We felt the presence of the others around Us. It was time to break the link. We stared at each other, both souls parting goodbyes, then I felt my body spark again. My senses dimmed slightly to what our normal was and I felt my body grow slightly smaller before I slowed my pace. The reason we were not very social was because of this, our connection. It was...unique. I had tried to tell my father since he was the doctor, but he didn't believe me. Apparently something like this was nothing but a child's fantasy. Having a link with your wolf was normal, but to be able to merge fully with the other soul inside you was impossible. A wolf was a powerful animal, one of holy origins, but still an animal. No human soul could merge completely with an animal one. Even if it were possible the power that could come from the convergence would be unstable and ridiculously powerful. So, instead of believing in the legendary power, it was deemed impossible.

Stupid, since obviously it wasn't. There was no real way to prove it either unless I had merged with my wolf then linked with another wolf. I could change into a larger wolf vessel while in my second form, but It took too much energy to hold for long so I never bothered with it. I knew what I knew and that was all that mattered.

As the houses came into view I trotted to a nearby tree line and shifted. I searched around a little before finding a plastic bin hidden in a bush. There was a giant green ninja turtle t-shirt that reached mid-thigh that I chose. My hair flowed over my back in a streak of white and I tied it up into a messy bun with a left over scrunchy I found inside.

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