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"Land of the...Fae." Heather breathed out slowly, her whole body quivering in excitement.

I smiled, knowing exactly how she felt. This realm was unbelievable.

Zorala giggled and floated to the two princesses, waving her hands around them. The magic that fell from her fingers floated down to them gently and their skin started to shine. When Heather tried to take a step forward she floated and a giggle bubbled up from her throat.

Alexxi and I were next and I closed my eyes as I felt little sparks shoot through me wherever the magic touched me.

Fairy dust. It allowed others that weren't Fae born to fly with the fairies. Very potent stuff.

"Oh my gosh, how do I-! Woah woah! How do I FLY STRAIGHT?!" Heather squealed as she continued to lift of the ground and float but being a wolf she had no experience with aerial maneuvering.

I smirked and expertly pushed myself around, circling the princess who was flailing like a hatchling.

"Don't worry princess, you'll get used to it quickly."

Alexxi frowned and floated over effortlessly. He turned upside down with his legs straight, resembling a vampire standing on a ceiling.
"Yeah Heather. Just stand up still. It's not that hard."

Heather glared. She waved her arms about and ended up pitching forward. "I c-can't! Stupid g-gravity!!"

Nadia meanwhile was waving her arms and legs, stuck in one place, like she was trying to swim through the air. She growled in frustration when nothing happened and signed at Alexxi to help her.

I grabbed Heather who was tumbling in circles and straightened her out.

Princess Zorala was having a field day with watching them try to fly. Tears were coming out of her black eyes and silent giggles were causing her whole body to shake.

I couldn't keep myself from chuckling, though I quickly tried to hide it when Heathers distressed gaze landed on me.

After getting the hang of floating, the four of us followed Zorala as she fluttered her wings and made her way to the tree.

Being a wolf, normally we would be terrified of falling to the ground and the air was in no way our forte. The siblings were all slightly frozen in fear but they kept climbing higher.

As the ground shrank away and we got closer to the golden willow tree you could see that the bark had moving veins of gold, showcasing the life it had.

Other fairies were flying around to different levels of the tree, flitting about with ancient scrolls and jobs to do.

Anyone see those cartoons about pixie hollow with tinker bell and friends? Imagine something like that. We landed in one of the tree openings and the stunning inside took our breath away.

Carving after carving of intricate designs layered the inside of the wood. Veins of gold pulsed gently and swirled through it, over the ceiling and through the floors. Columns of vines twisted so tightly you couldn't see through them lined a walkway that seemed to stretch forever. Round doors made of copper were littered about. Through the center of the hollow tree, a crystal chandelier shaped like a blooming flower twinkled elegantly. A spiral staircase circled the outer walls which led to the upper floors. In the very center a crystal clear floor showcased the lover levels and the many fairies flittering about underneath.

"It's been so long since over been here." I breathed deeply, nostalgia coursing through me. I hadn't been back since the last time I was with Zorala, when the queen disappeared.

I shuddered and forced my mind off the subject. Zorala walked away from us, her gown dragging behind as she walked down the hallway. We followed after her and into a sitting room. Crystal floor to ceiling windows were in a half circle and we had a view of the outside. Giant couches of fluffy moss were sprawled out and I quickly settled on one.

So tell me. Why the sudden visit Devona? And with such precious children following you.

Zorala's voice echoed within our heads, a gentle bell sounding voice. She could not speak outright since her ancient language could not be understood, even if she tried to speak English. Communication through the mind was simpler.

"I told them about you and some...talking trees to take their minds away from a tragedy."

Tragedy? Her eyes sparked with interest.

I looked at the sibling and quickly spoke. "I trust her with my life."

Alexxi wasn't paying too much attention, mainly focusing on pushing Nadia around since she was still floating uncontrollably. Princess Heather had a conflicted look on her face, but I nodded to her. She was still young, learning who to trust.

She nodded back to me accepting.

"The crown prince has been murdered."

Zorala's eyes sharpened and she stared between us aghast. Murdered?! By whom?

"We are still investigating. There isn't much evidence to go on and being in the situation that we are in I thought it would be good for these kids to lighten up a bit, keep their mind off things."

I see. Understandable. I can assure you that we are quite...fun. The distraction we can do for you all is easily achieved.
She smiled at us blindingly, her black eyes completely filled with mischief now.

Following that point we spent the next few hours running, flying, pranking, and most importantly, laughing the time away.

When we were getting ready to go, I gathered the siblings who now had a rosy glow to their cheeks.

"Before we go, let me introduce you guys to Elder Willow." I waved to the tree and placed my hand on one of the larger pulsing veins.

Heather, Nadia, and Alexxi all copied what I did, interest on their faces.


A deep voice echoed, one filled with age and power.

"Elder Willow is the protector of the fairy glade. It's he who creates the barrier around this realm."

The kids eyes sparkled and they asked a succession of questions that quickly made me dizzy. When a new set of voices entered my head, I was all too happy for the distraction.

Your  majesties, the king and queen request your presences. They've found something new about the case.

The siblings exchanged glances and I quickly left the tree, hovering near the entrance. Although the guards needed the siblings, since I was with them I was connected to their link while we were behind the barrier. I heard everything and waited while Heather and Nadia figured out how to fly again.

Zolaya flew after us, escorting us to the barrier that on the other side looked like a part of the sky was rippling continuously.

When we crossed it we all changed into our wolf forms and started to make our way back. If the king and queen found something, it must be pretty important.

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