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I felt frozen, like my heart was being gripped by the God of time as I felt everything come to a standstill. No one moved, no one breathed. I could no longer feel anything, like I was no longer a physical force. Everything crashed to the ground around me and I felt like I was suffocating.


My wolfs voice echoed through my head and I felt her thoughts swamp me. My panic ceased and I took a deep breath, relief rushing through me. I gently pushed the queen back and shook my head. "No, he wasn't my mate."

She looked at me sadly, trying to comfort me.
"Its not unusual for mates that are not marked to misunderstand signals from the bond my dear."

I shook my head again in disagreement. He wasn't my mate, it didn't feel right. After tuning into my wolf she told me she was confused at what the queen was saying because she could feel a solid link still connected to us. We had been aware of our mate link since our first shift, but had never found out who we were connected to. We were so in tuned to it that I'm sure if we concentrated we could have followed it like a trail of bread crumbs.

"Your majesties, your son is not my mate. He can't be. My wolf and I can still sense a mating link." I calmly grabbed the queens hands and stood up.

Prince Casiris glared at me, irritation lacing through his features. "That can't be. As much as I hate the idea of a non Lycan being family, there's no other option. Right, father?"

The King stared at me, his eyes calculating. We could tell he was thinking, so we waited in silence.

"Actually, there is one other way. I haven't heard all the details per say but Jonathan should know. Where is he?" The King spoke, curiosity coming across his melancholy features.

"Right here sire."

I looked to my left and saw an older gentleman who was maybe 35 or 36 with shoulder length blonde hair and violet eyes. He was dressed in a court robe and had a large book under his right arm. I could tell by the sparkle in the Kings eyes that this man was trusted.

"Jonathan do you remember the subject you were studying a few years ago? The one about the moon and our wolf souls?" The King asked.

Jonathan nodded and his eye brightened with understanding. He glanced at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "Sir with all due respect, It's unimaginable that this young she-wolf would be what you think she is. From all that I've gathered in 7 years, it's doubtful such an existence even exists at all. It's just a theory."

Theory? For what?

"What are you two talking about?" The queen asked this time. She stood back up and sat back in her chair.

Jonathan bowed to her with a small smile. He stood at an angle and addressed the room so we could all hear what he had to say.

"Several years ago while studying the souls movement of a rogue wolf, I came across an interesting thing. The wolf soul and what little was left of the human soul on the captured rogue was connected in a way I had never seen before. It was almost as if they had merged into one soul."

I stiffened at that. My ears pricked, straining to hear more.

"For such a thing to happen is obviously impossible, but I assume that this rogue was so far gone into insanity that his wolf soul ended up taking over the human part and merged into one. It's extremely dangerous. The rogue had to be taken out because there was no humanity left in him.

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