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(The picture is the no mans land away from the main part of the forest)

It was troublesome, dealing with another persons sadness. I get it, I do. Losing a family member was devastating and she had every right to be bawling her eyes out right now...I just didn't want to have to deal with it.

Prince Alexxi had left the lake and was being helped into a fluffy blue towel till he was wrapped like a burrito. He sat beneath the Boulder we were all on, staring up at us.

"Heather, are you okay?" His young voice came out quietly, his eyes inquisitive.

The Princess sniffled but nodded and she leaned forward to help him up the boulder and into her lap.

"Yes Alexxi, just thinking about Geo. You know, he's probably looking at us right now, all the way up there in heaven."

Alexxi frowned, confusion on his face. "I still don't understand. Why did he have to leave so suddenly? He promised he'd take me to the crystal caves once he got back."

Princess Nadia rolled her eyes at him and signed something that made him stick his tongue out at her. She wasn't deaf, just born mute. She learned signing when she was three with the rest of her family so they could understand her better and ten years later she's a pro.

I didn't know any sign language but I imagine she said something along the lines of it being impossible now or something.

"So tell me something. If Prince Casiris is taking over, does that mean he'll be put through emergency training for the crown?" I quickly changed the subject since the siblings were glaring at each other.

Heather  shook her head and breathed out a laugh. "Actually, Casiris has always been extremely competitive, especially against our oldest brother. My father made an exception and allowed for Geold and Casiris to take most of the training together. It's only the secret King stuff that was left out. He'll learn that once he actually gets crowned."

I nodded, slightly relieved to hear that. When the King retires or dies, the crown prince will take over all state of affairs and be crowned as the new sovereign within a week. If he wasn't prepared when the time came, then the whole situation would be purely chaotic.

I stand up and stretch, my lower back aching from the sitting position I was in. I looked down at the older princess and stretched my hand out to her. "Would you like to go for a run with me?"

She looked up at me surprised but ended up taking my hand, a small smile on her face. "I think I'd love that. I haven't gone on a run since before we came here."

I smirked. "So you haven't seen the fairy field or the talking trees yet?"

Princess Heather and Nadia looked up at me with shock and excitement on their faces. "There are fairies here?! And talking trees?!"

I giggled, glad to see their moods lifted. "Well, how about I show you?"

All three of the siblings jumped to their feet in excitement and climbed down the rock, then headed to the cliff wall. I followed closely behind, curious as to how they had gotten down to the lake in the first place.

When Princess Heather made a running start and then jumped straight up, sand flying from her shoes, I gaped as she flew forward and landed over the edge of the cliff face. Her siblings quickly followed, then the guards.

I stood at the bottom, my mouth agape. Of course they had the power to jump that high. Lycans are known for their power, the royals even more so, but it still shocked me.

I swallowed my excitement and ran after them, using just a tiny bit of my wolf power to make a flying leap as well, though I climbed from rock to rock on the cliff face instead of completely flying over. I decided I didn't want to be left behind so I didn't go through the cave again.

Wolf SoulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang