Welcome to Chambridge-Creek Academy, a safe haven to all attending students.
||Short desc. it's a Fantasy Highschool Roleplay but with some events added to the mix.|| anybody can join, and has a big influence on the story itself. Have fun, and invit...
This is a indoor and outdoor mall, not to far from school. Here it provides a craft store(for potions), Scarbucks, Bloodbath and Body Works, Build a Dragon workshop, Antique wear, GraveStop, Magik store, Barnes and Noble, Angel's Secret, and more.
(Have a pun shop request to add here? Feel free to post in the comments, I'd love to hear them. Some of the store names came from aqw.)
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A store for witches, warlocks, and basically people with any magical ability.
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A candy store above ^ providing Frog leg lollipops, candy wands, pixie dust stiks, unicorn hair, chocolate gnomes, Bertie Bott's every flavor of Jellybeans (Harry potter) and just about any other sweet there is! (Try and think of any Harry Potter treat and that'll be there cx)
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Then a antique store with random goods, nicknamed "Harry Goods."
These are all just a couple of stores, and just know that there are many more.