Movement in the shadows

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3 days have past. There feet hurt, they grew hungry, and they became very tired. Afraid of being spotted by normally people or being enslaved they pushed on. Silvana was the one who refused to stop till she new they would make it to her home. Raven and Uhm Mika, Silvana's only friends, trudged on. When the sun finally began to set they were overwhelmed by tiredness.

Using her powers she made a small hut from roots and vines. Then she waited for these roots and vines to attack fire fly's and light bugs, and with the little energy she had left she grew soon fruit and started a fire. After they ate the three friends were fast asleep.

Silvana, found herself home on the cool clean grass, next to her beloved Forest. Her friends lay next to, something was in the shadows, watching waiting for a time to strike. Slowly her friends seeped into the ground unable to move Silvana watched in horror as her only friends disappeared. The figure in the darkness seems to smile at this. Looking strait at her he began his approach to the helpless pray. Silvana tried to scream but no sound came out.

This dream had become a nightmare. The figure came closer and closer holding up a knife to her neck he said the words."you caused them to die there, all of those inosent people, you are the reason there all dead. Now it's you who must die." Tears filled her eyes, not from fear but from sadness, as she remembered all the bodies of her formal class mates that had died during a attack on the school.

Was he right, was it her fault there all dead.


This was not her fault. Even if she did try it was already be to late. It was the people who had called themselves our teachers for so many years. They were the cause of all the deaths.

Silvana looked right into the eyes of this being. Knowing that he would kill her in this dream, but before he could an invisible figure crashed I to him joking him to the ground. This thing yelled for her to wake up and run. As those words rang out her eyes began to open, and right there was a hooded figure on the ground with a knife in his hand.

The figure at the attacker with rage but also a trace of sorrow. Now understanding what had just happens Silvana jump to her feet just as the figure began to charge at her. But before she could do any thing Raven threw a rock at the figures head. It hit the target leaving him unconscious

Vines began to rap around the limp body lifting the figure. from the ground like a rag doll. Lifting the the rock from the ground Raven and Uhm, stacked over to the figure to place a final blow, but a new set of vines blocked there path.

Silvana stocked over to the limp figure and grasped the cloke hiding them from the world. Pulling of the cloke she look strate at the face of a boy no older than her. His nose was covered in freckles, a scar bove his eyebrow, his hair was bleached from long amounts of time under the sun.

She took away any weapons that he might have and placed them a safe distance from him so that he would not be able to escape during the night or try to attack them while they slept.

"It's late, we should sleep while we have the chance. Well have time to deal with him in the morning when we have the energy."

That said each one of them found another soft place to rest and soon found themselves once more asleep.


When the first rays of dawn touch the ground Silvana's eyes slowly opened. Lifting her head she saw that there visitor from last night was still asleep.

Once more she grew some plants and started a fire to get some breakfast going. Her friends soon began to wake up as well. Silvana new that they were half way from home and at this rate it may take at least 4 more days to get there.

A muffled grown came from the boy still dangling off the ground held up by the vines. Raven insticlivly picked up a sharp stick.

The boys eyes slowly opened, he raised his head only to wince from the thriving were the rock hit. You could see him try to move his hands and legs but to know use. Looking up at his captives he struggled against the bonds that held him in place.

"What is this, put me down now!"

Drops of sweat formed from his efforts of escape but the vines held. As the hours went by and he continued to struggle he grew weaker and weaker. Finally unable to fight any more he aloud his body to go limp.

"Your lucky we didn't killed you when you were out"

Lifting his head he looks directly at Uhm Mika, who had a Sarcastic smile. You could see the tears in her eyes.

"Maybe if our friend hadn't forgiven you for nearly killing her you would be in the spirit realm cursing us right now."

Trying hard to surge forward to this being who's giggles could be herd from a mile away, Silvana strode out from the shadows of the far side of the camp.

The boys eyes landed on her, shining with pure anger and curiosity. As she CA e closer he tried his best to back away but to avail.

Why would she let me live, is there something she wants from me? If only I had my dagger on me right now.

As the questions spun around in his head, Silvana stood right in front of home. An arm's length away. Inspecting him with very focused eyes.

"What is your name?"

At this remark the boy came back to the present with a snarl on his face. Looking at her and he saw no trace of feelings in her eyes.

"Why should I tell you, your nothing but scum."

His reply didn't even set her off by a fraction. Looking at him made him feel uncomfortable, her stair was boring into him, it traped him inside of nothing but darkness.

"Even if I told you why would I trust you?"

A smile formed on her lips.

" who said anything about you having to trust us."

Shock flooded into him. This made it harder to resist these people. They didn't seem to be evil but he new he had to try and kill them. That man took his sister and has threatened to kill her if he didn't. These people must be evil if he wanted them dead so badly, but he could no longer resist them.

"My name is Belomy"

At this the vines containing him loosened and started pulling themselves back into the ground. His limbs began to after dangling there ever move he made spelled pain.

"It's nice to meet you. I have a feeling you don't want to kill us. So I'm going to let you travel with us to a safe place, but my friends will be on both side of you if you show any intension of hurting us they will knock you unconscious once more and you will be left to the animals."

The long track North began once more after that. There was much more land to travel before they got to Silvana's old home and very little time to waist.

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